
Free Icefall by Gillian Philip

Book: Icefall by Gillian Philip Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gillian Philip
again; I don’t have to torture a soothsayer to know that. ’ She wiggled her eyebrows at Cluaran’s scowl of disapproval. Prod! Provoke! Tease! Oh Cluaran, you lovely man, I do adore you. ‘She has so much potential, that witch, and I know she’ll develop it. I want her back here, I positively do. And if she won’t give me her loyalty, I’ll have her damn soul.’
    Cluaran couldn’t hide his scepticism. ‘She’ll never be on your side, Kate, and I wouldn’t borrow gold against the prospect of her soul.’
    â€˜Oh well, then. Her soul, her death. Whichever.’ Kate shrugged lightly. ‘In the meantime, let’s talk about Raib MacRothe. That’s why I brought you out alone, after all.’
    â€˜Yes,’ said Cluaran, his distaste seeping through his words. ‘Raib MacRothe.’
    â€˜Now, dear. I owe the man twice over. If it wasn’t for him I’d have lost a fine source of souls in the otherworld. You’ve no idea how close Carraig came to exposing me.’
    â€˜I don’t see what he or Murlainn could have done about it, even if he had discovered you.’
    â€˜I wasn’t about to take that chance, dear. It was an unfortunate happenstance that Merrydale employed Carraig, but he’d have known as soon as he looked at those people. He’d know decrepitude and senility from a dead soul, even the fool Carraig would know that . And would he have kept his mouth shut? I’ve never known a single member of Murlainn’s clann who could, except for Sionnach.’
    â€˜The otherworlders wouldn’t have listened. At least,’ he added hastily, ‘they wouldn’t have believed.’
    â€˜ Some full-mortals will believe anything, take my highly experienced word for it. And that place is virtually a farm … no, an abattoir of souls. Carraig and Murlainn could have taken that away from me, and then what would I have done? Turned on my own people? There aren’t enough of y–us. My enemies are few—’
    â€˜And fewer by the day,’ put in Cluaran loyally.
    â€˜Exactly. And I’m not about to eat at my own support base, dear. I need the otherworld and I need it now .’
    â€˜Kate.’ Cluaran stared at the reins in his hand. He’d twisted them round his fist, making it hard for Kate’s mare to rip at the grass, and the animal was baring her teeth and tossing her head in irritation. The man had barely noticed. ‘Kate, if you’ll still permit me to advise you?’
    Not for much longer, dear. ‘Of course, Cluaran. You’re my Captain. It’s what you’re for.’
    â€˜You’re concerned about discovery. You almost lost your…’
    â€˜My livestock.’
    â€˜Your, ah … livestock.’ He swallowed. ‘But you didn’t, because Raib was loyal and he dealt with Carraig. You will always have loyal fighters. Go on just as you are. Take the otherworld by stealth, until the Veil dies of its own age. Even then, you could continue forever without detection; you have the subtlety.’
    â€˜I’m glad you think so, dear,’ she said tartly.
    â€˜I didn’t mean to offend you, Kate,’ he mumbled.
    â€˜No indeed. But you miss the point, Cluaran, you miss the point. ’ For a few seconds she had to link her fingers and clench them tightly, just to stop herself slapping him. Destroy the Veil, and the NicNiven will have all she desires; let it die or survive, and nothing will be hers. The Veil could not die before she killed it, could not. But what did Cluaran understand of prophecies? His head didn’t work that way.
    And besides: ‘What’s the point in skulking for eternity? Why should I ?’
    â€˜That’s not what I—’
    Kate smiled, breathing evenly again, and brushed her fingers through her shining hair. ‘Do you know what a soul is without love,

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