The King and the Courtesan

Free The King and the Courtesan by Angela Walker

Book: The King and the Courtesan by Angela Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Walker
only need to grab my stuff.”
    “And then where are you going? Gonna sleep around with more scumbags? You know, Mimi was worried about you all day and—”
    “Let me in!” It came out less like a bark and more like a sob.
    Joel was quiet for a moment before the door clicked.
    I rushed up the three flights of stairs and pounded on the front door, which Joel answered. He stood in the doorway, blocking my entrance.
. Where have
been, all dolled up?”
    “Get out of my way.” I pushed him back and tripped over his extended leg. Joel laughed.
    “Nice move, Giraffe.”
    “Shut the hell up!” I snarled. “You know, I’m not gonna have to deal with your shit anymore. I’m leaving! I’m gonna grab my stuff and tell Mimi, and then I’m out. Don’t count on ever seeing me again.”
    “You go to some nice party or something with some loser client? Better not get the dress dirty if you’re returning it to the store tomorrow.”
    “Since you would know
all about
losers,” I growled, fumbling to a stand. I marched to my room and grabbed my cellphone and purse. Then I walked across the hall and entered my sister’s bedroom. I turned on the light and stared at Mimi beneath the covers. Her brown hair spilled across the lumpy pillows. This was as much peace as she’d ever get.
    “Mimi,” I whispered, shaking her awake.
    “Oh, Melissa,” she groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She stopped when she saw me. “Holy shit, what have you been up to?” She reached out and touched my dress. “This looks expensive.”
    “It’s Regina Queen.”
    Mimi’s exhaustion faded, replaced by shock.
    “Probably some cheap knock-off,” Joel said from the doorway.
    Mimi nodded, but when her eyes met mine, she knew.
    “Melissa, what’s going on?” she asked breathlessly. “Why are you dressed like this?”
    “I’m—Mimi, I’m moving out.”
    “It’s hard to explain. It’s a complicated story, okay?”
    Mimi frowned. “Does it have something to do with a client of yours?”
    “I—look, maybe we should sit down—”
    “Goddamn it, tell me!”
    “I’m going to live with Ezekiel.”
    Mimi’s rage subsided as she was confused once more. “Ezekiel
    I noticed the tinge of suspicion in her voice. She was thinking of the right Ezekiel, but she probably didn’t want to believe it.
    “It’s the Ezekiel you’re thinking of,” I murmured.
    “Tell me what Ezekiel I’m thinking of.”
    “You know…” I gulped and licked my lips, my mouth suddenly dry. “
    Mimi gaped at me. I didn’t know else what to say to her, so I waited until she spoke.
    “Ezekiel…the drug lord,” she whispered.
    “Well, I’d say he’s more of a drug king, but yeah.”
    “You’re going to
with him?” Mimi shrieked, her face reddening and her eyes bulging. I wanted to hush her and ask her to sit down before she blew up, but I had a feeling it was too late for that.
    She snatched up my arm and jerked me so close her breath made my hair flutter. “Are you
    I winced and tested her grip. “I’d be insane
to take him up on this offer.”
    “What exactly is going on? What do you mean you’re
going to live with
him?” Her eyes grew even wider and she lowered her voice. “You’re sleeping with him?”
    I flinched and wondered if I was going to get a bruise from her death grip. “Er, I will be.”
Are you batshit crazy?!

    “Let go of me!”
    “You’re going to get yourself killed, you know that? Ezekiel is dangerous.”
    “And Blade wasn’t?” I gave her a defiant glare.
    “I promised to stay out of your business with Blade. I know you’re smarter than he is. He’s scum you find a need to cling to. But Ezekiel…” She rocked back, as if struck by another wave of horror. “Melissa, if you make one wrong move—”
    “It’s not that dangerous,” I assured her. I wasn’t sure if I was lying. “He’s dangerous to all the people he lends

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