Soul Cry: The Ten Year Girlfriend
about her? I was positive he'd end up cheating on her ass and breaking her heart into a million tiny pieces. I was wrong least to my knowledge. I hadn't heard a peep about him being unfaithful to Amina at all. Which only made my resentment towards her relationship with Roderick grow throughout the years. I mean I know how she whined about how long they'd been together and that he wasn't following through on his proposals but fuck it. They got together when she was 19 and he was 21! Ten years ain’t shit. Hell we're still young.
    I was out here struggling to find a man that was employed, straight, hell in Los Angeles it was hard finding a brotha that was into black women! Here Amina was worried about this simple ass shit. Amina worked...when she didn't have too. Roderick had moved her into his townhouse day one. He even paid her portion of our rent for a year since he knew it meant leaving me in a financial bind until I could find another roommate. Then six years ago he bought them a 4,000 square foot, four bedroom home. You wouldn't hear a bitch like me complaining. Amina also wouldn't give the nigga a baby unless they were officially married either. You best believe I would have given that nigga his own football team after all these years! Roderick had given Amina everything but that piece of paper and she was tripping about that.
    I can't lie. I felt some type of way about the shit from the start especially since I had thrown hints that I was attracted to him since high school and he'd never paid me any attention. The whole situation had me feeling salty starting ten years ago at that damn BBQ. Amina went to the BBQ and ended up with Roderick. I sucked his boy Damien's dick,fucked him later that night and ended up with chlamydia.  Amina didn't even deserve a man like Roderick as far as I was concerned.
    A year ago something between Roderick and I changed. They had a huge argument and all of a sudden I not only became Amina's confidant. I became his as well. During the last year my feelings for him have grown to the point that I feel a deep sense of love for him. Amina is just dragging him down. It's killed me the last year to listen to all her silly immature complaints. So when she claimed...once again,that she'd had enough, I was more than happy to help her ass leave him.
    I went out of my way to help her get things together so she had no reason to ever come back to Los Angeles and if she ever did,it was going to be too late. All I needed was time to lay this good pussy on Roderick right. I was positive I could make him forget all about Amina  Instead of playing her position as his number one woman, this bitch wanted to trip about a piece of paper. Tuh! Not me. I knew how to treat a man like Roderick.
    I just needed to make sure he didn't go running after her. He'd been calling my phone all goddamn night. Amina had stayed the night with me so I could get her to the bus station this morning. I'd held off from answering his calls until that bus had taken her well out of California. Now was the perfect time for me to start answering my cell and to drop some dirt in his ear about Amina. Over the last year I'd concocted a pussy full of lies to tell Roderick about Amina.
    * * * *

“ Love doesn't hurt. Loving the wrong person does.”
Years 6 thru 10
    L aDaya twisted in her seat. “ Girl this is some mess! That nigga know he was wrong for coming at you the way he did at the gas station BUT I can't lie...I know that brotha tripped seeing you hugged up with ol' boy in the store! Most men would have felt like that too!”
    Shavon laughed and cut her eyes at me.
    “ That nigga had you dickmatized. We all been there before but it seems to me like he was abusive and you knew it. Tell the truth,shame the devil. You knew is ass was a nut didn't you Amina?”
    I blinked my eyes several times so I wouldn't start crying again. I hate Roderick had me feeling so emotional. I imagined I would feel like this for

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