Soul Cry: The Ten Year Girlfriend
when he came to the apartment I once shared with her looking for me. After work I decided I needed to go over to pack up as many of my things as I could. I'd bought some underwear and a couple of bras but I'd been basically raiding Katrina's closet for three days and it was not working for me considering the fact I was much thicker in the ass and thighs than she was. I always got home before Roderick so I drove over as soon as I got off work to avoid dealing with him.
    I entered the house and quickly grabbed several large garbage bags we used for the yard to throw as much of my clothing as I could into them. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest. I couldn't believe this was the way we were ending. I loved him so much but he obviously didn't feel the same for me or he could have never accused me of cheating on him. He thought I was a whore. I felt like breaking down and crying again but I held it together continuing to pack my things.
    “ So you just gonna sneak in here, pack your shit and leave me?”
    I jumped at his voice and turned to see Roderick leaning in the doorway staring down at me. He should have been dressed in a suit and still at work. Instead he was dressed like he'd just left the block. Jeans, black t-shirt and sneakers. I had to quickly look away from him because I already felt my resolve weakening just looking at him.
    “ I just came to get my things. I don't want any problems Roderick. I'll be out of here in a minute.” I said looking away as I continued to move about our bedroom gathering my things. “ Why aren't you still at work? I was hoping to be in and out before you got home.”
    “ I'm sick.”
    I raised my eyes to look at him. He looked fine to me. I was the one whose heart was breaking and he was the cause of it.
    “ Lay down with me Amina. Please.”Roderick asked,his voice held something I'd never heard before.
    “ I am not having sex with you Roderick. Not after the things you said to me, the way you made me feel.” I said shaking my head vigorously.
    “ I didn't ask you for sex. I just need you to lay down with me. I haven't slept in two nights I've missed you so much. Can you please just lay down with me?” Roderick walked towards the bed removing his shoes and then his shirt.
    I inhaled sharply embarrassed because I was sure he'd heard me. I loved looking at this man. His body was beautiful to me and he knew it. In three years we'd never spent a night apart. Not once. Hell in three years I hadn't gone more than two nights without being made love too. I had to be strong though. I had to ignore the growing wetness between my thighs and the tingling of my now pebbled nipples. Fuck Roderick. Maybe my ass was “ hot” as he put it but it was only for him!
    “ Well get used to it. I'm not going to let any man talk to me the way you have Roderick. You pulled this shit the first night  we met and obviously you must have been holding your real opinion of me in for the last three years. It didn't take much for your true thoughts of me to come out. There wont be a third time.” I said continuing to stuff my clothing into bags. My throat was tight and I could feel myself slowly unraveling.
    I was kneeling on the floor reaching under the bed to retrieve several storage bins I had filled with shoes when I suddenly felt him grab my hips and laying me down on a pillow he'd thrown on the floor.
    “ Stop it Roderick!” I said struggling to break away from him but he held me so tight I couldn't move. He pinned my arms to my sides and positioned his legs over mine until I was immobile. We now laid face to face.
    “ If you really gon' leave me Amina at least let me rest. I can't sleep without you. You ain’t supposed to be able to sleep without me either but I guess you can huh?” he said staring into my eyes. What I saw next had me speechless. Were those tears in his eyes? I couldn't believe it. Not my Roderick. Yet here he was tears now sliding down his

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