The Seduction Request

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Book: The Seduction Request by Michelle Celmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Celmer
    I’ll bet, he thought, although from what he could see, she wasn’t lacking in any particular area. He found his eyes riveted to her chest, curious whether he could see the outline through her clothing. “Doesn’t it get caught on things?”
    Her eyes lit with mischief, and something more. Something hot and teasing. “Actually, when you tug on it just a little or give it a twist, it’s extremely erotic.”
    Matt swallowed hard to keep the excessive saliva from dribbling down his chin. He knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until he was holding that ring in his teeth. “I’ve seen them in photos, but never in person.”
    Her eyebrow arched. “Are you asking if you can see mine?”
    Hell, yes, he wanted to see it, but it wasn’t so dark that the kids on the playground wouldn’t notice if she lifted her shirt, or the group of teenagers playing volleyball several yards away wouldn’t possibly see.And he’d be damned if anyone was going to get a look at Emily’s breasts. Anyone besides him, that is.
    â€œThis probably isn’t the place,” he said.
    â€œThen maybe you’d like to see my tattoo instead?”
    Nipple piercings and tattoos? “I’m afraid to ask where that is.”
    She shifted onto her back and unfastened her shorts and Matt’s eyes just about fell out of his head.
    â€œUh, Emily?”
    She rolled onto her stomach and lifted her shirt so that her lower back was exposed. “You’ll have to pull my shorts down.”
    He sat up beside her and Emily watched, gratified by the hungry look in his eyes as he stared at her bare skin—the same look he’d had since she told him about her nipple. It made her feel desirable and powerful—something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Not since she’d given herself to him on the beach.
    She was enjoying it far too much.
    â€œPull your shorts down?” he asked.
    â€œNot all the way down. It’s just below my waist-line.” She was playing with fire, but she couldn’t seem to make herself stop.
    He darted a glance around, as if he were afraid someone would see. Then he reached down and slipped two fingers under the waist of her shorts. The backs of his fingers caressed her skin as he eased the denim down, and gooseflesh broke out across her arms.
    A breath escaped him in the form of a sigh. “What is it?”
    She looked back over her shoulder at him. “An orchid. My favorite flower.”
    â€œThe detail is amazing.” He pulled her shorts lower, to see the entire yellow flower blooming across the lowest part of her back and the very top of her buttocks. As if he were touching the living specimen, he brushed a thumb across the delicate petals. That frustrating ache burned to life low and deep inside her.
    â€œNo tan line,” he said, but it came out sounding more like a growl.
    â€œIt shows up best against tanned skin.”
    â€œI’m not even going to ask how you managed that.” Matt flattened his palm against her, his large hand encompassing her entire lower back. “I think I want to see the nipple ring now.”
    â€œI think that would be a bad idea.”
    He slipped his hand down her side, his fingers just inside the waist of her shorts, which were already several inches lower than they should have been. His hand traveled slowly up her side, lightly tracing each of her ribs, all the way up to the edge of her bra. She closed her eyes and curled her fingers into the blanket. The ache was now a throb as need overwhelmed her and blood raced through her veins.
    She rolled onto her side and looked up at him. His eyes were dark with desire. “I’m not going to sle—”
    Before she could finish the sentence, Matt lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. The sizzling reaction was instantaneous. She was lost.
    It began slow and sweet, his lips brushing

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