Riding the Night

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Book: Riding the Night by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
small window over the tub in the bathroom.”
    “I’ll get it.” Pax went in the direction Teresa pointed. The bathroom was small, as was the window over the tub, but the window was big enough to get a body through. He double-checked the closure and came out. “Okay.”
    Teresa was sitting on the side of the bed. “You never told me who you two really are.”
    AJ crooked a smile. “Well, honey, you’ve known me a long damn time. You know me.”
    She rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I meant. All this security stuff, and those badges you flashed at the bar to get past the cops. What do you do for a living?”
    Pax moved into the room and knelt in front of her. “We’re agents with the U.S. government.”
    Her brows rose and her gaze shot to AJ. “Really?”
    AJ DIDN’T REALLY WANT TO GET INTO THIS WITH TERESA, BUT HE knew they wouldn’t be able to avoid it forever. “Yeah. But who we work for is kind of confidential, so we’d appreciate if you didn’t go telling everyone in town.”
    “Of course. Wow. That’s wonderful, AJ. I never thought...”
    She stopped mid-sentence, her cheeks flushing. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t what I meant.”
    AJ sat next to her on the bed. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I wasn’t exactly an altar boy when I left here.”
    “You had potential. I always believed in you.”
    Something warm settled in his chest. He brushed it off. “I didn’t give you any reason to believe in me. I was a mess. That’s why I left.”
    Her gaze was warm. “But look where you ended up. You did good.”
    “What kind of federal agent stuff do you do?”
    “Whatever the government needs us to do. Mostly undercover work where bikers or guys who look like us can fit in,” Pax said.
    “Is it dangerous?”
    AJ shrugged. “It can be sometimes.”
    “Wow. What an awesome job.” Teresa’s gaze shifted to AJ. “Do your parents know what you do for a living?”
    “No. I don’t talk to them anymore. They don’t even know where I am.” She frowned. “For how long?” “Since I left home.”
    “Oh, AJ. Why not?”
    “You know why not.” Because they wouldn’t care. Because it was too late for that kind of family relationship. Because he didn’t want it, and they didn’t, either. They’d made their choices a long time ago. So had he.
    “I’m sorry.” Teresa raised her hand and laid it on AJ’s shoulder. He pulled it off and laid both his hands over hers. “Get some sleep and try not to worry about anything. Pax and I will take care of you.”
    AJ stood, and Pax led the way out of the room. They closed the door behind them and took a seat on the sofa.
    “Do you really think someone could come after her?” Pax asked as he pulled his Glock out of the back of his pants and laid it on the table.
    AJ shrugged. “I don’t know. Teresa might not think anyone saw her, but until we know why Larks was killed and for what reason, we need to keep her safe. She’s the only one who can ID the guy who really did it.”
    “And one way or the other, that makes her a target.”
    AJ nodded and blew out a breath. Not exactly the vacation he was looking for.
    Or the kind of hometown reunion he’d had in mind.

    DAWN HADN’T YET FILTERED THROUGH THE BLINDS ON TERESA’S windows, only shades of gray announcing it was morning but too early to get up.
    It didn’t matter. She hadn’t slept much anyway, had tossed and turned, wondering what Pax and AJ were doing, coupled with random thoughts about the bar fight, what she’d witnessed, and her worry about Joey’s welfare. None of that added up to the ability to get a restful sleep.
    She took a shower and got dressed, opening the bedroom door and moving into the living room, surprised to find both the guys there. AJ was asleep on the sofa, Pax sitting in a chair near the front window. He turned to her and smiled, grabbed the pistol sitting on the table next to him and slid it into his pants.
    For some reason, knowing they

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