In Too Deep (Grayton Series Book 4)

Free In Too Deep (Grayton Series Book 4) by Jill Sanders

Book: In Too Deep (Grayton Series Book 4) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
    She smiled and nodded. “He reminds me a lot of Cole in that area.”
    Roman chuckled. “You know, he still sleeps like that.” He shook his head and took her hand and then tugged on her until she followed him back down the hallway into the living area. “Speaking of family…”
    She sighed and felt the tension return to her shoulders. “Roman…” She sat down on the sofa and watched him follow her. “I can’t return home.”
    “Well, at least you still think of it as home,” he said dryly.
    “I love our family.” She turned, wishing she could explain everything.
    “Then why are you here? Why not see them? Let them know you’re alive.” His dark eyes begged her so she avoided meeting them by looking down at her empty glass.
    He reached for it and set it on the coffee table in front of them. “Missy.” His hands took hers. “We miss you. Cassey spent the first two years after you left looking for you. She would drive around and look at open houses every weekend, hoping she’d find you in one of them.”
    She chuckled. “I’d forgotten.”
    “What? That you dreamed of buying an older home in Spring Haven, fixing it up and living happily ever after?”
    She rolled her eyes. “It all sounds so childish now.”
    His fingers went under her chin, moving her until she looked deep into those chocolate eyes of his.
    “We were children.” It came out as a whisper. Somehow, he’d moved closer to her, so his breath mixed with hers. His musky scent was intoxicating. More so than the two glasses of wine she’d had already.
    Something started building deep inside her chest, rolling downward until it rested in the soft spot between her thighs. She couldn’t stop herself from wanting him. She’d never been able to.
    His knee brushed up against hers, sending a wave of desire slamming through her system. Why did her body always react to him like this?
    “Yet, look at where you are. What you have. Isn’t this what you’d dreamed of all those years ago?” he whispered.
    Images flashed through her mind. Memories of her dreams. Almost every dream had included Roman. Right where he was now, leaning close to her, their bodies almost touching, his lips hovering over hers as his arms pulled her closer. Wasn’t this part of that dream as well?
    Her eyes were glued to his as she shook her head lightly. “I…” Before she could answer, his lips took hers in a kiss that was soft and yet so powerful that she felt as if her system had been jolted awake after years of hibernation.
    He tugged on her shirt, pulling it up and over her head. Then his mouth moved lower, and she heard herself moan as his lips trailed over the peak of her breasts. Even with her thin bra on, she felt the moisture of his mouth, the heat from his tongue as it lapped at her skin, causing it to peak for him.
    When her arms pulled him closer, she felt herself falling backwards onto the sofa. His body hovered over hers as he took the kiss deeper. Her shoulders pushed into the softness as the hardness of him moved against her chest.
    She couldn’t stop herself from running her nails up his arms to his shoulders. When he scraped his teeth against her jaw, she felt her entire body pulse.
    She wanted him. Here. Now. Even after all of these years. She may have hidden herself from the truth, but there was no more denying it. She would always want him.

Chapter Eight
    R oman couldn’t stop his hands from shaking. Not when they were running over the most perfect skin he’d ever been given the pleasure of touching.
    It was hard remembering that there was a kid in the next room. Their kid. Every time those words played over in his head, he felt anger start to boil. So, instead, he focused on Missy. He may not be able to completely let loose with the kid sleeping so close, but there were things he could do to pay her back for all those years she’d robbed him of.
    Her shorts were loose, and when he tugged a little, he couldn’t hide a

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