Greater Than Rubies, a Novella inspired by the Jewel Trilogy
Robin wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders and kept her hand securely in Tony’s. A uniformed guard met them at the door of the roof and opened it for them. Robin recognized the scrolling ‘V’ of the Viscolli emblem on his emerald green jacket.
    As they entered the warm interior, she inquired, “Where are we?”
    “A little restaurant I own,” Tony answered with a smile. “I hope you’re hungry. The chef here is the best in this amazing city. People have reservations for tonight going back to last year.”
    Another uniformed employee met them at the elevator. “Mr. Viscolli,” he said in a smooth and cultured voice. “How was your trip?”
    “We had a nice flight, Zach.” Tony gestured and had Robin precede him into the elevator.
    They rode the elevator down one flight. It opened onto the reception area of the restaurant. Robin stepped out and felt her feet sink into plush carpet. Emerald green, shiny brass, black marble – the entrance was absolutely beautiful. A hostess in a classy Viscolli uniform walked toward them through the crowd of hopeful patrons patiently waiting for their tables. “Mr. Viscolli,” she greeted, her white teeth shining against her dark face, “it is such an honor to have you here with us tonight. Miss Bartlett, I’m so pleased you could join us. If you’ll follow me, your table is ready.”
    They left the waiting area and entered the dining room. Robin avoided fiddling with the necklace while they approached a table for two nestled beside the huge window overlooking the amazing city. The table was covered with a cream colored cloth and in the center sat a gold vase with a single red rose. Robin sat in a plush chair with gold and cream brocade fabric.
    As they took their seats, the hostess said, “This is Luke. He will be serving you tonight.” She gestured at a waiter who approached just as Tony sat.
    “Mr. Viscolli, it is an honor to serve you. “The young man looked to be about Sarah’s age. He was short, thin, with dark black hair and a long nose.
    “Drew the short straw, did you Luke?” Tony teased.
    Luke directed his attention to Tony and, perfectly poised with a sincere smile, answered, “Hardly, sir. I’ve looked forward to this since you made your reservation and I will give you my very best. Would you care to see the menu, or do you know what you’d like to order this evening?”
    Tony held his palm up in a questioning manner to Robin, who knew what he asked by the gesture. “Go ahead,” she said, “you know what I like.”
    She barely listened to Tony order as she watched the sun set and the lights come on in the buildings around them. The Empire State building several blocks away suddenly lit up the inside windows in the shape of a gigantic heart. When the waiter left, she leaned forward and took his hand. “This is magical. Thank you.”
    Tony ran his thumb over the sapphire on her finger. “I am glad you are pleased. I have been looking forward to this date. I planned it while Derrick and I were in Florida.”
    “How’s it going with Derrick?”
    “It’s going well. I think getting away with him and removing him from the city for a couple of weeks was the best thing to do. He was trying very hard to hide it, but he was going through withdrawal.”
    “I’m sure the sun and surf helped with that.”
    “More than you or I know. We also had a lot of down time to talk. I shared the Gospel with him, and my testimony. He is starting to trust me a little more. I don’t think he believes we’re quite for real yet, though.”
    “He starts work at the hotel tomorrow, right?”
    “Yes. And night school next week.” Tony released her hand and straightened as Luke arrived with their drinks and the hors d’oeuvre of bruschetta topped with tomatoes and Italian herbs as the first course of the seven courses he’d ordered. As soon as they were both served, Tony took her hand again. “Let us give thanks for this meal and the traveling mercies with

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