His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2)

Free His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) by Megan Michaels

Book: His Sassy Girl (Desiring the Forbidden Book 2) by Megan Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Michaels
Tags: Erotic Romance
    He tilted her head up again. “No guessing about it. You are. Tell me, Sassy, have I not been reassuring you enough? Do you need more than I’ve given you regarding affirmation?”
    “No. I just... I feel bad... and worry about being unloved if I’m too naughty.”
    “Sweetie, your Daddy isn’t afraid of his naughty girl. I know how to deal with her, and I love her just the way she is. However, because you’ve said that you want to improve in some areas, and because of my house rules, you need to be disciplined at times. Don’t you worry about me leaving you? Okay?”
    She nodded and gave him a bashful grin.

    Chapter 6
    T he semester had ended, and Brittney had passed Dr. Parks’ class — with a B. So, it required no spanking, and she’d been rewarded for working so hard on it. She planned ahead, asked questions from both Daddy and Professor Parks. Both men were pleased with her. Daddy had told her that she’d be rewarded tonight for being such a good girl. She had asked if they were going to dinner, or if she needed to be home for delivery. He’d said no to both questions.
    She’d been quiet through dinner, waiting to see what her surprise was. Maybe it would be a special meal? But it turned out that wasn’t it. Finally, when the dishes were done and the kitchen clean, he joined her in the other room, taking both her hands in his.
    “Now that you’re done with classes with Dr. Parks, I have something to tell you, and it is part of what we’re doing tonight.”
    Well, that sounds mysterious.
    “Dr. Park — Maddox — told me the day I talked to him on the phone about my naughty Sassy.” He quirked an eyebrow at her, her sex clenching in response. “Maddox informed me that he and his girlfriend have a relationship like ours — Daddy and little girl.”
    “Oh, my God. How did he guess? This is awful.” She buried her face in her hands. How could things go so badly? She’d never be able to look the man in the eyes again.
    Dylan pulled her hands from her face. “There’s nothing to be worried about. He mentioned a club that is for Daddies and Littles, called the Playpen. I think we’d enjoy meeting other couples that are like us, people to talk to about our dynamic, who understand and live it every day as we do.”
    “I wouldn’t even know how to dress to go to a place like that. I mean, we’ve talked to people online, but to meet them? God... doesn’t it make you nervous too?”
    “Nah, there’s nothing to worry about, Sassy. We go and meet some new people. We’ll see Maddox and Libby there, so we’re guaranteed at least two new friends. If we don’t meet any others on this time, we will on the next visit.” He patted the top of her hand resting on her knee. “You’ll see, baby, there’s nothing to worry about. And we get to be ourselves out of the house. We don’t usually get that luxury.”
    “You’re right; we don’t. What time are we leaving?” She smiled at him weakly.
    “Does that mean yes?”
    “Yes. Let’s go. I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this, and meeting Dr. Parks there.” She shook her head.
    “This needs to stay confidential. He won’t say anything to anyone, and you won’t either.” He pointed a finger at her. “Understand?”
    “I know that.” She rolled her eyes at him. “God, I’m not stupid, you know.”
    “I didn’t say you were stupid. Would you like to go to the Playpen with a red bottom?”
    She couldn’t think of something worse than that, the humiliation of someone seeing would be just horrific. “No, Daddy.”
    “Keep it in mind. We’re going somewhere where it’s perfectly acceptable to paddle your ass.” He winked at her. “Let’s get ready.”
    * * *
    D ylan followed the prompts on his cell phone’s GPS map, finding the club with no problem. He pulled into the secured lot, the perimeter of the parking area guarded by tall chain link fencing. As he’d been instructed, Dylan

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