Happily Never After

Free Happily Never After by Bess George

Book: Happily Never After by Bess George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bess George
“I’ll meet you there.”
    Steve walked away whistling a tune. Both men had easy-going personalities, and when they went out together, it didn’t take them long to find companionship.
    By seven, a steady throb had set up shop in his left temple, and he considered going home instead of meeting his partner. He rubbed his eyes, hoping to alleviate the strain from reading too many reports.
    The likelihood of him showing up at Kelsey’s hotel room prompted him to not cancel his plans. She’d been adamant about not being interested. Besides, a one or two-night fling would be a bad idea. David would kick his ass, and it would interfere with them all working together. Irritated at the world, he snatched his jacket off the back of his chair and stormed out of the office.
    Despite the name, the Watering Hole’s clientele tended to be business professionals from the area. His brain on automatic, he scanned the crowd as he moved toward the bar located at the back. All of the stools were full, so he remained standing while he ordered soda. The cool liquid slid down his throat.
    A few minutes later, Steve crossed the room to join him. The noise level reminded him of one of the rock concerts he’d attended as a teen and forced them to talk loud to hear one another.
    “Hey, what’s up?” Steve motioned for the bartender. When he received his beer, he patted Bode on the back. “C’mon, tell Uncle Stevie who’s got your knickers in a knot?”
    Bode shrugged and lifted his glass for a swallow.
    Undaunted by the silent treatment, his partner continued. “I’m not one to gossip, but the rumor around town is that you stopped by the D.A.’s office on Monday. After your adamant declarations, I figured I should stop by to check things out for myself.” His grin morphed into a broad smile. “You neglected to tell me your date was an absolute angel from heaven.”
    “Your gossip source is pitiful. I went to see David about a case and ran into her.” He paused. “Besides, she’s a stiff suit. Nothing special.”
    “Good, I’m glad you think that. Since you already went out with her, I didn’t want to step on your toes. But if the field’s wide open, a nice girl like that needs someone to show her the sights.”
    Bode crowded his friend against the bar, his voice serious. “Keep away from her. She's trying to resolve some issues and doesn’t need assholes like us sniffing around. She’s off limits, understand?”
    “Okay, sure, no problem.” Steve stepped sideways to put distance between them. He smiled at someone on the dance floor and made a come here motion. Two beautiful women joined them. The redhead sauntered up to Steve and wrapped her arms around him in a possessive gesture. He lowered his head to kiss her.
    The second woman waited for an introduction. She was a petite brunette with her curves in all the right places. The exact type of woman that attracted him. Usually. Fatigue washed over him. This bar was the last place he wanted to be tonight. He’d finish this soda and go home. Too tired to make an effort at pleasantries, he remained silent with his back to the counter.
    She held her hand out toward him. “Hi. My name is Amber.” Her voice came out low and sultry.
    “Bode.” He nodded in acknowledgment and shook her hand.
    Steve ended the kiss when he came up for oxygen and nudged both women toward an empty booth. He shot a surprised look over his shoulder when he realized Bode still lounged against the bar. He said something to the ladies and came back.
    “Dude, what is your problem tonight?” Steve questioned his friend.
    His chin lifted in defiance. “No problem. Maybe I’m just not interested.”
    Steve guffawed. “She’s beautiful, warm, and willing. I’ve never seen you not interested before.” He paused. “Seriously, if something’s wrong, we can bail. Then you can tell me what’s going on.”
    Great, now his bad mood was contagious. He needed to get his act together, or he’d end up

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