Pack Mistress #3 (Quick 'n' Dirty Erotic Paranormal Romance)
Pack Mistress #3 (Quick 'n' Dirty Erotic Paranormal
Evelyn Lafont

    Pack Mistress #3 (Quick 'n' Dirty Erotic
Paranormal Romance). Copyright © 2012 Evelyn Lafont. All rights
reserved worldwide. Text cannot be distributed without prior
written permission of the author, with the exception of brief,
attributed quotations on web and print media. For questions or
permission of usage, please email [email protected].
    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance
herein to real people or places is purely coincidental.
    Smashwords edition: February 2012

    About the Books
    All werewolf packs need a sexual outlet. For
south Florida’s Red Wolf pack, the sexy, liberated and infertile
werewolf Lorena is it.
    Not your average Were, Lorena satisfies the
males like no other wolf can. But as much as she enjoys her role as
pack mistress, she longs for something she’s never had. A mate she
can call her own…
    The Pack Mistress series is a collection of
Quick 'n' Dirty Erotic Paranormal Romance serial shorts that follow
the story of Pack Mistress Lorena. One story will be released every
other month during 2012.
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    Having had a group hunt the night before, I
expected Saturday to be relatively quiet. Most Weres spent time
with their kids on Saturdays anyway, but the physical fatigue
brought on by a shift also tended to keep them home.
    Since I’d been working outside the pack, I’d
come to really appreciate having weekends off and some time to
myself. I had my brushes out and was about to soak them, then set
up a new canvas to recreate the painting that was ruined by last
night’s intruder, when I heard a faint knocking on my front door.
Hoping it wasn’t a disgruntled wife like yesterday morning, I
bolstered my confidence, wiped my wet hands on my white eyelet
skirt, and pushed my long brown hair behind my ears.
    When I opened the front door, fake smile
plastered to my face, I saw a very attractive woman standing on the
stoop. I hadn’t seen her before, and she was striking in a simple
way. She wasn’t overly sexy, but had very plain, clean features,
pale skin, and shoulder-length brown hair. I estimated her as about
five two, much shorter than my own five seven frame.
    But what struck me most about her was that
she was smiling at me. And not one of those potentially
vicious fake Were smiles that’s really more snarl that smile—an
eye-crinkling, honest grin accompanied by a mischievous
    “Hi, you must be Lorena.” As she said it, she
extended her hand as if to shake mine. I was caught off guard, not
used to friendly women at my door. I reached out to touch her and
ended up clasping the top of her outstretched hand. I could feel
her soft, smooth palm and fingertips, cool and dry and
    “I am. And you are?”
    “I’m Becky. My husband Rick and our four boys
just joined the pack. We’re so excited to be part of the South
Florida Pack.”
    “It’s nice to have you. Come on back to my
studio and have a seat.” I returned her infectious smile with a
real one and led her back through my bedroom and into my sunny
studio. We sat in the same rattan set that Susan and I had occupied
    She looked around briefly and said, “Oh,
you’re an artist too? Wow, so multitalented! When Rick and I were
looking at packs to join, we saw your information in the
promotional material and knew this was the right place for us.”
    “The promotional material?”
    My new, effervescent friend looked confused.
“Yes—the brochures for your pack? Have you not seen them?”
    “Um, no. I didn’t even know we had brochures
    “All the packs do now. It’s all the rage—like
a summer camp flyer.”
    Yeah, if summer camp were for blood-thirsty
humans able to shift into savage wolves and the

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