Realm of the Dead

Free Realm of the Dead by Donovan Neal

Book: Realm of the Dead by Donovan Neal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donovan Neal
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became increasingly pale as he coughed up blood.
    Gabriel backed away. "The Withering affects the Chief Prince.  How might your servant assist?"
    "Hath Enoch approached thee regarding his journey to Aseir?"
    "Yes. The thing is as you say," said Gabriel.
    "Then go with him, brother, I assign both thee and Metatron in this thing."
    Gabriel nodded, "And my orders?"
    Michael coughed the more. "Take Enoch safely to the land of Aseir.  He says word hath come from El to heal the Schism between our peoples.  Do all that is in thy power to bring this vision to pass.  Are you clear in your purpose?"
    Gabriel nodded, "I am clear."  Gabriel turned to leave then paused to speak to his brother.  "And what of you Michael?  What will you do?"
    Michael sighed. "I must see God and give report of my stewardship."
    *   *   *
    Enoch met Argoth in his study, his satchel packed to travel underneath the mountain.  "You summoned me Argoth?"
    "Aye. Please come in."
    Enoch sat down. Books lined the desk between them. Argoth opened a tome, and a picture of the Zoa materialized on the page.
    "Michael commanded me to share all we know of the realm under the mountain.  We are Grigori, and I am Chief of Eyes.  There is much in creation that we know and little that we do not, for it is the glory of a king to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. El grants us the privilege to search the deep things that He allows us to see.  Know this...Limbo is not one of those things.  We have often wondered why the Zoa are here within the mount.  They live in no such place in all of Heaven nor Earth, but they may be in Limbo.  This realm we do not know.  It was created before Elohim traveled the stars, for even as thy people were last in creation, so too were my people created last in the celestial realm. 
    "We know there are souls trapped within the confines of Limbo.  Corlus, the first of our kind to be taken in murder, was mentioned by El Himself, as crying from within.  Who knows the countless others who may have been consigned to the realm?  El does not speak of it.  Nor shares His mind on the matter.  He hath said the faithful will be restored.  Therefore, I believe that I shall see Raphael and many of my brothers in the age to come, but today is not that day.  Therefore, take heed to thyself."
    Enoch nodded. "I will, my friend.  I thank you for your guidance and tutelage.  I trust it will be enough in the days ahead."
    Argoth smiled and also bowed. "We...I have been contaminated by pride.  It is a subtle thing and requires humility of spirit and vigilance to keep at bay.  I am beginning to perceive the wisdom of God in allowing you to come here for you are not constrained by the dogma of our kind, neither hindered by our ideas of protocol. 
    "Go to, as thou hast said, for God has commanded thee, and seek out the Seraphim.  Let not our pride be our undoing, for our fates are tied together.  Bring relief to the Kingdom."
    Enoch's face became as steel and his voice broke with concern. "I will do this thing, but alas, I cannot go alone.  There must be one who can come with me."
    Argoth waved his hand, and behind Enoch, Hadriel appeared.  "Behold, I have assigned thee a Grigori for thy journey, but he can only record and may not interfere.  For though the Seraph do not look fondly on our kind, they will do no harm to a Grigori, for they do not interfere in the affairs of others."
    Enoch turned to walk away, then spoke aloud over his shoulder for Argoth to hear. "I am afraid that interference is exactly what I will need."  Enoch left the room and closed the door behind him.

Chapter Five
    Freedom is Not Free
    Michael walked to the study of Jerahmeel and knocked on the door.
    "Come in," came the gruff reply.
    Michael gingerly opened the door and poked his head inside.  Jerahmeel looked up and stood at attention when he saw Michael peer into the room.
    "My Prince?" Jerahmeel said.
    Michael waved

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