P I Honeytrap

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Book: P I Honeytrap by Kristal Baird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristal Baird
    The participant was gently pulled away by the executioner. ‘This sinful woman must learn the error of her wanton ways. The sentence will be carried out in full.’
    He reached up and turned the restraining frame on its pivot until the woman was facing the small crowd who had gathered. Her white robes, torn apart at the back, still hung from her body, covering her in front. The executioner lifted her hem at one side and handed it to a man watching from that position. He handed another part of the garment’s folds to a spectator behind him on the other side, then theatrically pulled a small blade from his leather belt. Raising the woman’s hem, he cut a nick in the fabric and indicated to the two men to rip the garment from her body.
    A tearing sound ensued as the robe was pulled in opposite directions, leaving the woman naked before them all. Her voluptuous figure was silently appreciated by the transfixed crowd.
    ‘Stand back,’ the executioner demanded. ‘The wench must suffer the lash to atone for the sins of her flesh.’
    Hayley knew there were plentiful sins of the flesh being committed around her as paired couples caressed and fondled each other’s bodies in the sexual excitement created by the spectacle. Stimulated herself, she turned and glanced across at Don. He caught her eye for a moment, then turned back to watch the performance.
    First contact.
    Again the executioner wielded his lash. He struck firmly across the woman’s full breasts, then allowed the leather fronds to descend more gently and curl between her thighs. She wriggled sinuously under their kiss. Her face flushed and she gasped air between parted lips. Her skin was pink and glowing, her pussy fully shaven.
    ‘The wanton wench enjoys it,’ the executioner roared. ‘Who will stand witness to her shame?’
    He pointed his whip again at the crowd and invited a woman to feel her nipples and declare how erect and tight they were.
    One, dressed in a latex corset, stepped up. She clearly enjoyed her participation in the event, encouraged vocally by her female partner. She slid her fingers across the captive’s breasts, running the turgid peaks between her fingers. Taking finger and thumb, she rolled and twisted the captive’s nipples firmly, making her groan.
    ‘How say you on her state of arousal, mistress?’ the executioner demanded.
    ‘I’d say she felt extremely sexy to me. Hard as hazelnuts they are. Sorry, honey.’ She stepped back into her own lover’s embrace, inviting the same treatment.
    The executioner took his time feeling the evidence for himself. He cupped his large, leather-covered hands over her breasts, fondling from behind, giving the audience a clear view of his act of stimulation and the erotic effects they wrought on his captive’s features. ‘I say she speaks aright. This whore has not accepted punishment for her disgrace. She has enjoyed it. But perhaps we must seek further evidence of her arousal. How may I tell if this woman is truly aroused?’
    It was corny, but having the right effect. Audience participation was a given.
    ‘Feel her.’
    ‘Put your fingers in her pussy.’
    ‘I’ll soon tell you.’
    The maiden appeared shocked, if not shamed. ‘No, sir. Truly. Do not lay hands upon me.’
    ‘Is she maidenly? Or is she covering up the truth of her errant ways?’ The executioner appealed to the witnesses.
    ‘It’s a cover-up.’
    ‘She wants it. Look at her.’
    ‘I’ll fuck her and find out.’
    Indeed, to Hayley, the actress was clearly enjoying her role. No one could act up such a flush of desire, such dilated pupils. She felt her own face warm, her own body tingle.
    ‘You, sir, must do your duty.’ The executioner invited a man to step forward and give his considered opinion.
    The chosen male didn’t hesitate. He rubbed his hand across her naked pussy and pressed his fingers between the folds of her flesh. They rubbed slowly back and forth across her clit and she moaned gently in

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