Beaver2416 (Reviler's Affray)

Free Beaver2416 (Reviler's Affray) by Jeremy M. Thayer

Book: Beaver2416 (Reviler's Affray) by Jeremy M. Thayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeremy M. Thayer
    Beaver righted himself and followed the stream of foot traffic towards the transports.
    “I almost left you! I want to be as early as possible today … they are bringing in a new shipment, and I don’t want those worthless heathens destroying everything!” Timmy bellowed with his usual boisterousness, as they walked together.
    Beaver could only shake his head and roll his eyes.
    When they broke the horizon, it revealed the transport station before them. It was already overrun with passengers, all scrambling to make entry. It was always this way, after Decision day. The reason was; this was the day that the Elites would show up at every workjob and pretend to act like bosses. It was the one day of the most lashes, beatings, and infusions among the populous. Being late for work on this day even for a tict , was almost the same as instant death.
    The duo stood idly by as the flood of people slowly thinned.
    “There’s a seat for us … come on!” Timmy whooped, pointing towards an empty place on the back of one of the transports.
    The pair bustled and shoved until they had claimed their spot. 
    “ Made it …” Beaver quipped as they sat looking at all of the others, still standing in the trackstreet.  Other than the Elites Only Quadra-levs and Lev-cycles, this was the only form of transportation for the commoners between the prefectures of New Judah. To try to walk on foot would be suicide, because of the bouncers that stood at each tube-like borderway. They were programmed to destroy anyone who gets within 25 duo-yards of the entrance, who is not on a transport, or other form of Acad-approved transportation. The Academy did this on purpose to prevent any sort of mass, congregated uprisings among the people. This idea was also adopted by the Academy, from the ideologies of the mid-ancient past. They once called it segregation . The only exception to this heavy surveillance was on Decision days, when the Bouncers are put to sleep, and the Elites are more concerned with imbibing and Cumal, than monitoring everyone. However, regardless of any Decision day; you still had to use the transports, because the borderways are also electrified.
    As they sat in quiet solitude, the transport kept its daily rhythm of stopping and starting, moving ever closer to Tim and Beaver’s unwanted destination. The riding the overcrowded transport after the day’s break from work, was almost always too much for Beaver. Something that Beaver hated, just as much as the G.M.; was crowds of people, especially in enclosed spaces. They always made him very uneasy, sometimes to the point of panic. This was partly due to the fact of his span of torture at the reformer’s camp. As well as, watching his family die at a very young age. But, the other part was his logical fear that he had developed, from all of the spans of watching the Academy do whatsoever they wanted, without any form of repentance. Crowds increased the odds of Academy spies and other Elitist scum, looking for excuses to kill people. This was the main reason Beaver and Tim usually said next-to-nothing in the light to each other.
    “ It will be OK … we’re almost there .” Timmy softly spoke to Beaver, like a brother trying to calm down his frightened sibling.
    “ Thank you .” Beaver quietly said, in nervous agitation.
    They had already passed through New Dresden and Stowelowly on their trek towards work, and were now slowly descending into the Arcade. Again, their gaze was cast upon the crumbling Arena.
    “ Heathen … ” Tim whispered.
    “ Yes … Heathen .” Beaver equally whispered the same.
    They did not dare make a strong outburst on the crowded transport. After work, was always more relaxed, with less people and a very slim chance for Academy spies. But in the light, a loud sound of any kind could cause chaos or even death.
    Soon, it was time for Timmy2845 to leave for his drudgery as a propagator. His exit was always one stop before

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