Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.)

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Book: Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.) by Leigh Foxlee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Foxlee
is seeping out, and when I suck his cock I’ll have to be careful not to swallow it. As I cup his balls, squeezing and tugging at them the way I know he likes, I dip my head and take his penis into my mouth.
    I suck him to the root and hold him there until he lets out a growl mixed with a sigh. Then I pump my lips up and down his steely length, swirling my tongue over the taut skin as I do. His hips buck up again and again and he fucks my face in a slow, steady rhythm.
    I take a brief break to spit the poison out, then I lave my tongue beneath his glans and find that sweet spot that drives him wild. I suck this tiny piece of flesh between my lips and flit my tongue over it.
    “Fuuuck.” The curse is guttural and ragged and he thrashes in his bonds once more.
    A glance at his face shows his eyes are closed and his expression is one of pure ecstasy. His beard has grown fuller, thicker, as the werewolf in him seeks freedom. Once more, I take him deep into my mouth and suck his penis hard, then I let up on the pressure, milking him with my mouth until his face fucking grows faster, more carnal.
    “Ride me,” he begs, in a voice laced with his bestial side. “Please. I need to fuck you.” His eyes open and blaze with yellow flame.
    I position myself above his cock and tease him at first, rubbing the glans up and down my wet slit, grinding it into my clit, before I give him entrance. My pussy stretches then molds to his thick shaft. I sigh as he fills me, making me feel complete. As I begin to rock back and forth, I reach forward and squeeze his pecs. His plump head rubs my g-spot perfectly, making it tingle and fill with sublime pressure.
    “Let me know when you’re going to cum,” I tell him, remembering Regina’s warning about the silver poisoning him.
    He nods. “Play with yourself for me. I want you to get off first.”
    I chuckle, but I know how important my pleasure has always been to him. One hand moves from his chest and I press it to the swelling bead of flesh at the top of my labia. While I ride his cock faster, I stroke it until the pressure inside and outside of my sex amps up and leaves me dizzy.
    “I wish I could touch you,” he says.
    “I have to keep you bound.” Although I’m disappointed too. I want his hands all over me. “It’s safer that way.”
    “I know.” He bucks his hips up and drives his cock deeper into me while I play. “Later, when we get out of this, I’ll make up for it.”
    His promise thrills me. My other hand moves from his chest and I pull the hood of my clit back, giving myself better access to the bundle of nerves that now sing with pleasure. Release is so close. I’m lost in a fog of bliss. Finally the pressure in my g-spot bursts. The tingling in my clit also reaches climax, and an intense orgasm rockets through me, making me cry out and bow forward until my head touches his chest. My limbs tremble from the force of this release, and my cunt walls constrict tightly around his cock.
    “I’m going to cum,” he says, and as my euphoria subsides, I climb off of him. I curl my hand around the base of his penis once more and pump him until pearly semen jets from his hole. It’s laced with gleaming silver, and he turns so this stream hits the wall and floor instead of his skin.
    He looks healthier now, more alive. Relief and release ring my heart with warmth.
    “How’re you feeling?”
    He grins. “A lot better.”
    I give him a quick kiss. “I’ll tell Regina we’re done.”
    “No.” He raises his head off the floor, wriggling in frustration against his manacles. “I’m not through with you yet.”
    I smile and raise an eyebrow at him. “You’re healed, and we don’t have a lot of time, Noah.”
    “Let me make you come. Just once more.” His yellow eyes flicker and his expression pleads. “Untie me.”
    “Is it safe?” I give him a wary glance. “What’re you going to do?”
    “Straddle my face. Let me lick you. I want to taste you and fuck you with

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