Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.)

Free Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.) by Leigh Foxlee

Book: Bad Boy Werewolf: Bad Boys of BDSM (Werewolf New Adult BDSM Romance. Bad Boys of BDSM.) by Leigh Foxlee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Foxlee
memory of Andre stabbing the silver weapon into Noah lances my brain. “You’re going to have to heal him, draw the poison out. Do you know how?”
    I nod. “Noah had to heal me earlier, in the forest. I heard Adam and him talking about the whole compatible DNA thing.”
    Noah is pale and his face is bathed in heavy sweat. His eyes remain closed as we talk above him, and his breath grows more shallow.
    “When he’s about to cum, pull him out of you and let him blow his load on the floor. The poison will be in his semen.”
    If it weren’t for the danger of our situation, I might giggle at how absurd Regina’s instructions sound. But this is no time for humor. I’ll laugh to myself later, when we’re all home and safe.
    “There is a chance he could attack you while you’re healing him. Be careful. Emotions get high when two monsters are curing each other. It can bring the wolf out.”
    “I know.” I touch his shoulder and gently roll him onto his back. “I nearly attacked Noah when he fixed me. He bound my hands so I couldn’t hurt him.”
    “Let me do that now,” Regina says, and vines shoot from her fingers. I sit Noah up and remove his t-shirt before I hold his wrists together so she can secure them. After I’m finished, she gets me to remove his jeans so she can also tie up his ankles, just in case. Then she stands and moves back from us. “I’ll give you some privacy.”
    Vines swirl out of her fingertips and rapidly weave themselves together. In moments, a dressing screen of greenery shields us from our cell mates.
    I bend and kiss his sweat-slick temple. “You saved me, now I’ll save you.”
    I pulls his boxers down to his bound ankles. Then I quickly undress myself. Skin on skin is best for healing, as I’ve learned earlier.
    I kneel beside Noah’s head and study his face. He’s barely conscious and it’s an effort to speak. So I shush him with a finger pressed to his lips. “Relax,” I say. “You need your strength.”
    I feather kisses from his temple across his forehead, licking the salty moisture from his skin as I go. My lips brush across his and I breathe energy into him, as he did for me. His chest heaves then his breathing grows more regular. He murmurs, “Thank you,” against my mouth before my tongue slips into his. Wet tips entwine as we taste each other and I give him more of what he needs.
    My hands slide down his corded neck, explore his shoulders, and then mold to his pecs. I concentrate on his heartbeat, which now thumps in a steady, stronger rhythm. I kiss and lick my way toward my hands, feeling his pulse keep time with mine as I do.
    My tongue swirls over his nipples and I tug them between my teeth until he lets out a groan and squirms beneath me. The wolf in me stirs, and fur tickles my face as his own beast within begins to emerge. I know I have to be careful, have to heal him without driving him so mad with desire that he breaks his manacles and attacks me. It’s a ticklish balance.
    I splay my palms over his tense sides and continue to explore him with my mouth, giving him more healing with each kiss, lick, or bite. He lets out a low growl, and when I look up, I find him staring down at me with yellow eyes.
    “Shhh.” I press a finger to his lips. “Let me please you.”
    Being a true alpha, I know Noah has a problem with this. He hates to take pleasure without giving it at the same time. I’ve been at his sexual mercy a lot, and he always wants me to come multiple times before he gets off. Right now, if he’s to live, we need to change things up. And he needs to keep his wolf in control.
    My teeth tug at the skin around his belly button while my hand curls around his stiff cock. More kisses are placed down his thighs before I lap at the soft skin covering his balls. I slip my fingers beneath his scrotum and stroke the tender skin there, making him jut his hips up and moan loudly.
    A silver trail gleams in the pre-cum that trickles from his opening. The poison

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