Davy Harwood (The Immortal Prophecy)

Free Davy Harwood (The Immortal Prophecy) by Tijan

Book: Davy Harwood (The Immortal Prophecy) by Tijan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tijan
a wave of confidence sweep through and I relaxed for the first time in awhile. Leaning back against the counter I slipped into Silvia’s persona. I held a hand out. “What’s your name? You look like… a Ben? No. Maybe a… Royce. Are you a Royce? Are you the sixteenth heir in a line of royal blue bloods? You dress the part. Is that custom fitted?”
    I gave the vampire credit. He was startled, but he rolled easily on his heels and he returned with charm,
    “It is actually. I can order something for you, if you’d like.”
    “But, wait—you’d have to get my measurements first, right?” My smile dazzled. “I know this gig, forwards and backwards. You’re not getting my blood.”
    That got his attention. If he’d had breath, I would’ve given myself a pat on the back for stealing it away. He didn’t so I didn’t pat myself on the back, but it didn’t matter. I saw his nostrils flare and my heart sunk. I’d just become the next big challenge for this vampire and I knew how that road traveled.
    “Don’t,” I said sharply as I held a hand up. “I lit the last vampire on fire who thought I was a challenge for him to bleed. I’ll do it again and it won’t take nearly as long this time. That’s my warning to you.”
    “Kade,” Roane decided to join the conversation from… I glanced around. I had absolutely no idea where he materialized from, but his presence snapped Kade into order.
    “Lucas,” Kade returned as he waited for his leader to speak. The blonde Casanova instantly stood straighter and waited for his command.
    “Leave.” That was all Roane said and Kade turned to leave, but he stopped mid-turn and raked his eyes over me. “I like you.” He pounded Roane on the chest before he finally turned to leave.
    Roane studied me intently. “Do I dare ask what that was about?”
    “Okay.” Roane was easy.
    “I saw Kates.”
    Roane narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he signaled for a drink and just like that—he got one. I glowered. “Could get me one, but no…”
    He lifted a second finger and I felt better when a beer was pushed into my hand. I didn’t bother to say thanks. “What’s the plan?”
    “You wanted help. I brought you to your friend. I thought you were worried about her.”
    I flushed and raised my beer to him. “You know that’s not all there is to the story. I thought she was in trouble. My…,” I hesitated. “My source said to contact you so I did.”
    “Your magic eight ball. Tell me, how’d your magic eight ball mention me? Was it by name?”
    “You’re making fun of me.”
    “No,” he rejected quickly. “Unlike you, I know why you contacted me, but I’m just wondering how much you actually know.”
    “I know.” I didn’t, but I wasn’t about to let him know that. “I know plenty.”
    Roane chuckled. “You know nothing.”
    “Oh, really?” I turned to face him squarely. I even put my beer on the counter to let him know that I meant business. “You think I know nothing? Well… I know enough, Vampire.”
    I said the word and I said it hotly. I dared him to call me on it. Oh yes, I’d call him Vampire if I wanted.
    Roane smiled coolly and returned, “What do you know, Empath?”
    I felt hot, angry, but I’d started us down this road. I’d see it through. “I know something big is going down. There’s a whole crap load of vampires here and I don’t think that’s normal for Benshire. I know that there was a girl who killed herself the other night and a whole host of too many vampires were in attendance. There were two on the roof with her and six on the ground. I think whatever’s going on has something to do with why Kates is here because I’m not stupid enough to think she’s actually here for me.”
    There. I was out of breath. I’d said it all. I felt my skin starting to crawl before Roane replied

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