The Horror Squad (Book 3)

Free The Horror Squad (Book 3) by TJ Weeks

Book: The Horror Squad (Book 3) by TJ Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: TJ Weeks
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
continued walking.
Donald patted my back as I walked
by. Jason was jumping around trying
to get his adrenalin back down.
Everyone inside the fence was
    I cracked the fence back open and
walked through it. Kris was taking the
meat off the pit and Tiffany was
helping her slice it up and displaying
it on a tray.
“TIME TO EAT!” Tiffany called
out to everyone.
    I walked to the school and washed
off and changed clothes before
coming back out.
I dropped down in my chair and
grabbed a beer.
    Tiffany walked over with a plate
that had a little bit of everything in it.
“One of those days, huh.” She held
out the plate to me.
    I took it and started eating. They
made a plate for all of us guys that
had been cooking all day and handed
them out one by one as everyone
made it back.

    WAKING UP the next morning, I
was moving a little slower from
My wife was surprisingly still in
bed. “I take it that you’re stiff?”
    I raised up slowly. “Yeah, I’m not
as young as I used to be. Probably not
the best idea for me to be jumping off
backhoes and doing Achilles moves.”
She cracked a smile. “Achilles?”
    “Yeah, you know like the movie
Troy when he stabs the one guys and
starts screaming, is there no one else.”
I responded.
    She started rubbing my back.
“You’re more of the movie buff than I
I started laughing. “I just know
what’s good.”
She rubbed the knots out of my
back and slowly I got up.
Daltin was sitting at the edge of his
cot staring at me.
    I walked by and rubbed the top of
his head. “Go grab your football and
meet me outside.”
    He smiled real big and ran over to
the few toy like items that he had and
started digging.
I had barely walked outside when
he came running out.
“Heads up!” He called out.
    I turned just in time to catch the
ball. I twirled it around a few times to
see the ink from a golden marker
signed “Joe Montana”. I could only
imagine how much that ball would
have been worth before all the chaos
took over the world.
He ran out about twenty yards and I
threw it back to him.
    I didn’t see Kris walk out, but she
intercepted the ball when he tried to
throw it back to me.
She laughed and threw it back.
“Gotta be quicker than that.”
    Within a thirty-minute stretch, we
had about a dozen people outside
playing catch.
    Gizmo was one of them. “Hell,
let’s start a game.” He threw the ball
to me.
    I caught it, but covering it up
quickly as I seen Lisa making her way
behind me. “I’m down, but we need
more people than this.”
“Na, we can do six on six.” He
    Kris caught the ball and walked it
to the middle. “How about my team
verses your team?”
I started laughing. “And just who
all is your team?”
started pointing. “Myself,
Bobbi, Lisa, Karen and Shianne.
We’ll play against you, Gizmo,
Howard, Bo and Daltin.”
Howard threw his arms up. “I’m
way too old for all that running.”
    I thought about it for a minute.
“How about we take Robin and
Howard can play ref?”
Tiffany walked up. “I want to
    I took the football from Kris and
tossed it to her. “There ya go, Tiffany
can be full time quarterback.”
    Kris started digging in her pockets.
“I don’t have anything to flip to see
who gets the ball first.”
    I put my hand on Daltin’s shoulder.
“Well we can either flip Daltin or just
say ladies first.” I laughed.
Kris gave me a go to hell look and
Tiffany threw me the ball.
“So how does this work, do I play
for their team for kickoff?” She asked.
I tossed the ball back. “Nope, you
get to hold the ball for us to kick it.”
    I turned to my team and we
dropped back. “Who wants to kick
Gizmo pointed at me. “You’re our
fearless leader.”
    I shrugged my shoulders and lined
up with the ball and was about to kick
Kris yelled out. “Tag TJ! No
    I smirked and ran up to the ball and
booted it

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