Big-Top Scooby

Free Big-Top Scooby by Kate Howard

Book: Big-Top Scooby by Kate Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Howard
H idden under a cloak of darkness, a shadowy figure crept through a jewelry store. Nearby, a security guard slept soundly, unaware that a thief had sneaked past the locked front doors as he dozed and dreamed.
    Without a word, the figure reached forward and lifted the top off a glass case. His hand stretched inside to touch the glowing ruby necklace that had been locked safely inside until just moments before. The intruder carefully lifted the necklace out of the case, and then slipped toward the door.
    Suddenly, the store’s alarms screamed. The guard was jolted awake. He fell out of his chairand then scrambled to his feet just in time to see the dark figure on his video monitor. He rushed into the store, ready to bust the burglar.
    But when the guard saw the shadowy figure up close, he wished he was still dreaming. Because it was no ordinary thief stealing that ruby….
    The guard tried to scream, but he couldn’t. “No …” he cried, wishing the monster standing in front of him would disappear. “No …” the guard whimpered again as the shadowy creature crept closer.
    At last, the guard gathered the strength to flee. He shrieked as he dropped his flashlight and ran, ran, ran — straight into a support column. He was knocked out cold.
    The shadowy figure stepped forward, reaching out one clawed hand to grab him. It was not the guard’s lucky day.
    But just in the nick of time, police sirens blared outside the store. The figure decided the wimpy security guard wasn’t worth it. He left the guard curled in a heap and crashed out the store’sside door. He raced down the street and disappeared around a corner just as several police cars roared up to the front door.
    â€œFreeze!” shouted a police office, jumping out of his car. Like the security guard, he was sure that he was about to become a hero. But the thief just looked back and snarled, its horrible face scarier than anything the officer had ever seen.
    Another officer leaped out of his car. Both officers gaped in shock, too stunned to fire their weapons. The figure darted away, still clutching the ruby necklace.
    â€œWas that your mom?” the second police officer asked, glancing at his partner.
    â€œDude, shut up!” the first police officer said. He was still confused about what it was they had just seen.
    The policemen looked at each other, and then ran after the thief. As they rounded a corner, both men were knocked to the ground. The thief had jumped out of the shadows!
    After it leaped over the officers, the shadowy figure darted away again. It was just about toround a corner when one police officer shot at it.
    â€œDid I hit it?” the officer asked, stunned. “I think I hit it.”
    But the thief didn’t even slow down. It kept running as though it were unstoppable.
    The other officer stood up, not even bothering to take out his gun. “I don’t think it matters much, unless you’ve got silver bullets in that thing.” He paused for a minute, thinking about the creature they’d just seen. “Also, you’re right. It did kind of look like my mom.”
    As the officers stood helplessly outside the store, the shadowy figure dashed toward safety. It ran through the streets and finally stopped at the top of a rocky cliff overlooking a circus tent.
    The full moon shone down on the figure that clutched at the ruby necklace. Its sinister yellow eyes shone in the moonlight. The figure tipped back its head and howled.

A whole week in Atlantic City!” Daphne said, bouncing happily in the front seat of the Mystery Machine. “This is gonna be the best vacation since Pismo Beach!”
    â€œLike, didn’t we get attacked by a demon clam in Pismo Beach?” Shaggy asked.
    Daphne shrugged. “Okay, since Santa Fe, then.”
    â€œIsn’t that where we were chased by those radioactive cactus monsters?” Shaggy said.
    â€œSince … Washington,

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