Harbor Nights

Free Harbor Nights by Marcia Evanick

Book: Harbor Nights by Marcia Evanick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Evanick
things to do than wait on a customer. It was time for her to head over to Claire’s Boutique and see if they were accepting applications.
    She was halfway to the door when footsteps sounded behind her at the exact instant that Zsa Zsa sneezed again.
    â€œGod bless you.” A deep voice broke the silence.
    She turned and politely smiled. Since Zsa Zsa couldn’t thank the man, she would. “Thank you.”
    â€œCan I help you with anything?”
    â€œI just stopped in to have a look around.” She felt a little guilty for leaving so quickly. “I just moved into town, and I was out for a walk. It’s such a beautiful day.”
    â€œThat it is.” The gentleman held out his hand. “I’m Gordon Hanley, and this is my domain.”
    â€œJoanna Stevens.” She shook his hand. Gordon Hanley was at least six feet, two inches tall, and he was in his mid fifties. Her first impression was that she should invite him home and give him a good meal with an extra slice or two of pie. The man was pale and entirely too thin. With an old book in one hand and a smoldering pipe in the other, he looked as if he should be wandering the hallowed halls of academia. There was something scholarly about Gordon Hanley.
    â€œWelcome to Misty Harbor, Ms. Stevens.”
    â€œThank you, and please call me Joanna. It’s a wonderful town. Everyone is so nice and pleasant.”
    â€œTo you, I can’t imagine them not being nice.”
    She wasn’t sure, but she got the feeling Gordon Hanley might be flirting with her. It was a new experience. She had noticed him glancing at her bare left hand. “You have a very”—she searched for the right word and came up with—“unique store, Mr. Hanley.”
    â€œAll my friends call me Gordon.” His hazel eyes seemed to brighten at her use of the word “unique.” “If you’re ever in the market for a book or a good cigar, you know where to come.”
    â€œThat I do.” She smiled and turned to go.
    Zsa Zsa sneezed again before she could make it to the door.
    â€œOh, Joanna?”
    â€œYes, Gordon?” She slowly turned and faced him.
    A smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I do believe your pocketbook sneezed again.”
    â€œI know. She’s allergic to smoke.” With that, she turned and walked out of the door. There was no sense in explaining Zsa Zsa. Because if she did, she would have to haul the sneezing Pomeranian out of the tote and subject her to more smoke, which would make her reaction worse. Better to keep Gordon guessing as to what was in the bag.
    Being a woman of mystery held a certain appeal to her this morning. If she was starting a new life in Misty Harbor, she might as well add some excitement to it. Even if the mystery was only a sneezing dog.
    She slowed down as she passed Bailey’s Ice Cream Parlor and Emporium. On the sidewalk directly in front of the shop, both white iron tables with matching chairs and pink umbrellas were empty. Inside the shop, she could see two teenagers scooping out ice cream to what had to be half a dozen more teenagers. The ice cream parlor was obviously the local teenage hangout.
    The shop next to Bailey’s wasn’t open for the season yet. Fishing net, red plastic lobsters, and assorted seashells were in the display window. Through the window, she could see a woman and two teenagers unpacking boxes of what appeared to be T-shirts and other tourist merchandise. She bypassed those shops and headed for Claire’s.
    Claire’s Boutique was the total opposite of The Pen and Ink. Where Gordon’s store was dark and gloomy, Claire’s was white and bright. All the display racks and shelves were painted a crisp white. The walls were a pale yellow, and the floor was gleaming golden oak. Merchandise in an array of summer colors and fabrics was everywhere. Wide windows, each displaying a well-dressed mannequin, allowed in

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