Adventure to Love

Free Adventure to Love by Bethany Ramos

Book: Adventure to Love by Bethany Ramos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Ramos
bachelor” that all the other women were after. Sure, she’d been on her share of first dates. But she’d never, ever, had to go on a date on camera before.
    Was there a magical tipping point when she would get used to three cameras in her face at once? Ky seemed to be comfortable with the situation. He sat back easily in the limo with one leg crossed over his knee. He attempted to start some casual conversation.
    “So where did you grow up, Morgan? I would love to learn more about you.” He flashed a gleaming smile at the cameras.
    “Boston, born and raised,” she announced.
    What else was she supposed to say? Did he want to hear historical facts about Boston? Or was he more interested in the fact that she grew up in a typical suburban home with one boy, one girl, and a dog named Spot.
    Really. That was the name of her family dog growing up. She had no idea who had chosen such a generic name for their dog, but she’d loved Spot to death. Maybe it was a clever joke that was supposed to be ironic, or maybe she and her brother didn’t know any better when it came to naming pets, but Spot stuck, until he passed away at the ripe old age of fifteen.
    But Ky didn’t want to hear about the death of her dog, did he? It seemed like everything she could think of to share about herself was way too trite for national television. Why hadn’t she thought to prepare a list of interesting conversation pieces in advance?
    That was probably something she could have Googled at home so that they would at least have something to talk about. Anything. How long was this date supposed to last, anyway?
    “So where did you grow up, Ky?” she bounced back gamely.
    That seems like a safe one. If she knew anything about Ky so far, it was that he loved to talk about himself.
    “Well, my answer is probably pretty boring. I lived in San Diego until I was five, and then my family moved to LA for my dad’s practice. And that’s where we’ve been for the past 23 years, and it’s the place I call home today.” Ky smiled.
    “Your dad’s practice? What does he do?”
    “Oh, he’s a plastic surgeon in LA. You may have heard of him before. Dr. Andrews? He’s done some work on some of the major stars?” Ky said proudly.
    Nope. She hadn’t heard of him. But she wasn’t that well versed in celebrity gossip. It sounded like Ky was the son of a pretty big player in the LA plastic surgery circuit. It sounded like Ky grew up a typical, privileged LA spoiled brat. Which was hardly what she had come all this way for.
    “Oh, I don’t know that much about plastic surgery.” She smiled back.
    Now what? What else were they going to talk about? The limo was heading deeper and deeper into the jungle, but they didn’t seem to be getting any closer to their destination.
    Finally, the limo rolled to a stop. Morgan opened her door with caution. She had no idea what she had expected to see, but it certainly wasn’t this.
    The limo had pulled up in front of a cliff overlooking a stunning view of the ocean. She drew in a sharp breath. She had never seen anything like it, not even on a postcard. Without thinking, she grabbed Ky’s arm in excitement.
    “Can you believe this? It’s so gorgeous. I wish I had my camera with me!”
    God, what a stupid thing to say. Of course, the whole panoramic view was going to be captured on HDTV, so why would she need to have her camera with her? They’d better edit that part out before the show aired. It made her sound like a total backwards idiot.
    But Ky seemed pleased. He pulled her closer as they faced the horizon to watch the sun set. “I know, isn’t it breathtaking? I’ve never seen anything like this before. Are you into photography?”
    “Um, no, I was just saying that I wish I could capture this perfect view. But I only take pictures on my iPhone when I have it with me. I don’t know very much about cameras,” she replied.
    She was met with silence. Before she could conjure up another painfully awkward

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