The Black Stars

Free The Black Stars by Dan Krokos

Book: The Black Stars by Dan Krokos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Krokos
like Tom was going to reply.
    â€œGive them a break, Karn,” Reckful said. He guided Mason and Tom back toward the elevator. “Come. Tomorrow is your first day of class. You need your rest.”
    They got into the elevator together and rode in the darkness back to the main level. The Inner Chamber was once again packed with students. When Mason and Tom appeared, everyone on the Blood side of the room stood up. They didn’t clap like humans, but standing seemed like some form of recognition. Next to Mason stood two more new initiates: one a young boy who was wearing Stone robes, and a girl wearing Blood, like Mason and Tom were. The girl—who had reddish pink hair, smiled widely at Mason and Tom; the boy looked at them like they were a piece of gum stuck to his shoe.
    Mason elbowed Tom and whispered from the side of his mouth, “So, Stones are pretty friendly types, eh?”
    The students on the Blood side of the room sat back down. Master Zin was walking up the aisle toward them. Up close, he appeared neither old nor young, but there was something ancient about him.
    â€œI am no longer shocked the Stones kept trying to kill us last summer,” Tom said.
    Mason couldn’t hate the Stones. One had given Mason his old gloves. The very same Stone had told him to seek the Rhadgast out if he wanted the truth about his parents. They couldn’t all be bad. And maybe “bad” was the wrong word. Different. The Stones had the same goals, same desires, just a different philosophy about doing what was necessary to win.
    Master Zin took center stage. He cleared his throat, looking out over his students. “Today, we glimpsed the hearts of our four newest students. Some of you know what they will experience in the coming days, weeks, and months, and some of you have also just started your journey. Remember who they are. Remember who you are. And remember why we’re all here. To learn … and better our selves  … and become de fenders of the things we hold most precious in this world. Though we may wear different colors and believe different things, we are the same.… We are Rhadgast. ”
    Mason heard a girl snicker from the Stone side and say under her breath, “Does he think he’s the Great Uniter?” Which got a few hushed giggles.
    Master Zin raised his hands, choosing to ignore this. “Now get to sleep. Tomorrow the sun will rise again.”
    The rhadjen rose in unison and began to file out of the Inner Chamber. The girl who had made the joke stood up, too, but Master Zin pointed at her and she froze. “You and your friends will be in my office within five minutes.” Mason made a note: Master Zin does not ignore things.
    â€œYes, Master,” the girl said, before joining the queue.
    Master Zin turned toward Mason and Tom. Mason looked around: it was just the three of them up there. “Well done. Truly, well done.” And then he walked away, his gray robes billowing behind him.
    Mason and Tom followed the line back to their dorm. The halls were mostly empty, save for a few random rhadjen who were taking their time getting back to the dorms. No one looked at them for more than a few seconds, but it was clear they wanted to. One bigger boy, a Blood, stared at them the entire time they walked down one section of hallway. Mason asked him, “Do you have a problem?” before Tom pulled Mason along. The boy still seemed to be searching for an appropriate response.
    When they were alone, Mason said, “Tell me about your test.” They followed the line up the spiral staircase.
    â€œIt’s personal,” Tom replied.
    Mason didn’t say anything for five seconds. Then he said, “I’ll tell you about mine.”
    Tom wouldn’t look at him directly. “It was … it’s stupid.”
    â€œYou can tell me,” Mason said, putting his hand on Tom’s shoulder. When Tom remained silent, Mason let

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