Her Lion Guard 2 (Paranormal Shifter Romance)

Free Her Lion Guard 2 (Paranormal Shifter Romance) by Amira Rain

Book: Her Lion Guard 2 (Paranormal Shifter Romance) by Amira Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amira Rain
claws grasping for Mary-Lou even as the human woman slipped out of her grip and the car altogether. The human ran off the road and into the dark forest which surrounded it, pale flesh melting into the shadows of the woods.
    “Stay here!” Wiley growled. The female Wolf turned to regard her Alpha, a slow smile stretching her mouth wide. The man was grinning, eyes blood-red as he stared in the direction Mary-Lou had disappeared; it was full moon tonight. Hunter’s moon.
    “Enjoy the chase,” she purred, her own eyes glowing yellow-green beneath heavy lids.
    “Oh, I will,” Wiley snarled back, muscles tensing and then releasing as he shot off toward the woods.
    Mary-Lou ran. She ducked low branches, evaded the gray shadows of tree-trunks and thanked her lucky stars that the moon shone full and bright above her. A mere human, her senses were limited at the best of times; in the pitch black of an unknown forest, she would have been the easiest of prey without the aid of her sight.
    Mary-Lou knew it was only a matter of time before Wiley found her. Even with her head-start, there was no escaping the vast inequality between human and Shifter physiques. The fact that her own blood was smeared into her skin and thus serving as a beacon to Wiley and any other predator prowling the woods did not help her cause any. Still, she ran, holding onto the foolish hope of finding help – a town, a cluster of houses, anything that would deter Wiley and his pack away.
    At least, she had hoped to run a while longer before a large, powerful body slammed hers into the forest floor.
    “Help!” Mary-Lou screamed, thrashing beneath Wiley. The man did not give an inch, did not care enough to even muffle Mary-Lou’s desperate cries. His victory was obvious, complete – Wiley slapped the human woman across the face, laughing to hear her jaw click loudly with the power of his blow. Momentarily stunned, Mary-Lou could do nothing as the Wolf grasped her leg and pulled, literally dragging her across grass and stone and fallen branches. It was painful, and it was humiliating; Mary-Lou collected her remaining strength, took a deep breath, and howled – voice as loud and desperate as she could make it.
    She did not expect to hear someone roar back.
    Wiley dropped Mary-Lou at the sound, claws out and teeth bared as he twisted around to meet the familiar newcomer. He was too slow, much too late as Jonas was already there –large body smashing into Wiley’s, clawed hands grabbing and twisting the Wolf’s neck. Mary-Lou heard the crack of bone against stone, saw Wiley falter and flail beneath Jonas’ steadfast grip. She was reminded of another night, another place – remembered begging for Wiley’s life in a situation just like this one.
    Mary-Lou would not plead anything of anyone tonight.
    Jonas lifted Wiley by the throat so the two were face-to-face. Wiley could barely maintain eye-contact, blood streaming down the back of his neck and shoulders. The Lion Shifter roared, loud and dark and vengeful, and slammed the other Alpha against a nearby tree. A flash of steel, a howling whine, and the Wolf was pinned against the sturdy oak. Mary-Lou gasped, swayed to see the black handle of the ceremonial knife stick out of Wiley’s pale throat.
    Jonas stepped back from Wiley’s thrashing form – haltingly, reluctantly, obviously torn between two actions. A part of Mary-Lou wanted him to finish Wiley, to end the Wolf’s causeless rebellion and the misery it caused. A larger, more human part of her was delighted when Jonas chose to stride up to her instead, to lift her into his arms and press a soft kiss onto her mouth.
    “Take me home,” she told him, an echo of the plea meeting Wiley had torn from her a night a different life ago.
    Jonas nodded. He gathered Mary-Lou in his arms and readied to run, not paying Wiley or his desperate growls any further attention.
    Mary-Lou did. Mary-Lou met Wiley’s eyes – red, filled to bursting with blood-lust and

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