Darkest Wolf

Free Darkest Wolf by Rebecca Royce

Book: Darkest Wolf by Rebecca Royce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Royce
magically enhanced by black magic.”

    She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. He’d used the words that made every witch she knew cringe. Black magic. That was a pretty serious accusation. Even the coven leader who had cursed Elizabeth to look hideous wouldn’t be accused of black magic.
    She might have crossed a line, but she hadn’t gone into the black zone.
    Rex’s head jerked left. “Shit.”
    “What?” She didn’t think he cursed very much. Most of the time he sounded pretty formal.
    “I can see them. They’re very close.” His voice had gotten lower; his words sounding almost like a growl. She turned to stare at him. His eyes were all wolf. Gone were Rex’s remote depths holding a million secrets. In their place was the gaze of an animal intent on eliminating an enemy.
    “Rex?” She hadn’t realized she could deal with the animal while the man was still present. Looking at a wolf when it appeared as a wolf was one thing, Rex in this mixed wolf-man phase scared her. If he wanted to, he could reach out and snap her neck.
    “I can smell your fear.”
    “I’m not surprised.” Was her voice shaking? “You say we’re under attack by some rabid wolves, and now in the car you are changing. How will you drive the car if you shift?”
    Maybe she sounded insane. She didn’t care. Her life had gotten so out of control she couldn’t even recognize it anymore. Just years earlier she had been living a simple existence. Her whole life had been planned out in a way she liked. Now? She would probably be killed while she ran for her life with this wickedly handsome wolf driving her crazy.
    “I am not going to shift, witch.” Rex smiled. “Not every wolf can do this.
    Maintaining my human body while letting the wolf loose is not a big deal for me. I am of royal blood.”
    Rex had just gotten finished telling her what his father had done to their entire pack.
    His words about the strength of his lineage didn’t reassure her. But this really wasn’t the time to remind him of his background.
    Elizabeth gasped as Rex pulled the car to the side of the highway. She looked around. It was dark and she had no idea where she was. They’d been on one turnpike or another for the entire night. How long had they been travelling? She had no idea. “What do you think you’re doing?”
    “Protecting the humans on this road.” Rex undid his seatbelt. “And apparently confusing the made-wolves. They’ve stopped moving. I don’t think they anticipated I would stop the car. Perhaps they are regrouping.”
    “I don’t understand any of this. What do you mean protecting the humans?” She wanted to throw something.
    “If I do not get out of this car and take down the wolves, they will leap out onto the car. I’ve been in one car accident recently. I do not crave another.” He shook his head.
    “First and foremost, I will not risk you. Second, I would not place any of the humans who are driving here in danger because I am too cowardly to face my enemy when they would attack.”
    The formal speech had returned, which told Elizabeth he wasn’t focusing on sounding normal. She blinked. How did she know? They’d never discussed it and yet she knew it as if she’d understood him for years. Bizarre .

    “Elizabeth, I require your attention.”
    “What?” She felt like a parrot. Every other second she had to say “what.” He touched her head gently, almost like one would caress a newborn baby. “Is your head bothering you again?”
    Who was this creature touching her? It wasn’t Rex, not exactly. For as much, as he’d terrified her seconds earlier, the feel of his skin against her cheek moved her. She hadn’t expected gentleness from his wolf. Was it possible the beast was more compassionate than the man? “No. Do I seem out of it?”
    He shook his head. “Your attention wavered and this is a most inopportune moment.
    I wondered if the whack to your head caused you trouble again.”
    “I think I’m

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