Free Drive Him Wild (THE BILLIONAIRE AND THE POP DIVA Volume 2) by Eve Montelibano

Book: Drive Him Wild (THE BILLIONAIRE AND THE POP DIVA Volume 2) by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
    For a few seconds he just stared at her, thinking he heard her wrong.
    She grinned at him impishly. “I’m so deliciously stuffed with an Italian special I can burp with it.”
    He burst out laughing.
    She giggled, her pussy vibrating around him, making him grow hard again.
    Only this woman can make him laugh in the middle of fucking her and make him hard just a few minutes after coming like the fucking apocalypse inside her.
    He’d never encountered anything like her.
    He touched her face gently, running his fingers on her cheeks. “Yes, without a doubt, you’re no longer a virgin, Valenna Jones. I so busted your cherry.”
    “Thank you. I was afraid it would turn into a prune. You’re my cherry hero. You saved me from getting canned.”
    He chuckled again and pinched her cute nose. “You’re so funny, cara mia. ”
    She lifted her face to plant a quick kiss on his lips. “And you’re so…froshing…epic.”
    “That’s the highest compliment in my book so don’t complain about my limited vocabulary. I’m beyond words as it is I’m surprised I still remember my name.”
    “You don’t need to build up my ego some more. Just taking your cherry makes me want to thump my chest like Kingkong at the top of the Eureka Tower. I definitely feel No. 1 right now.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Men and their macho bragging rights.”
    “I have all the right to brag about it. It’s the most expensive cherry in the world.”
    “You think we’d make it to Guinness? Valenna Jones’s cherry was the most expensive cherry auctioned in history, busted by Gianfranco Zoldatti, highest bidder at 50 million dollars.”
    “Not bad. I will personally ask someone I know from Guinness to make a special record for us. This must definitely go down in the pages of history.”
    “You know someone from Guinness?”
    “Sure. I have tallied several records in car racing.”
    They stared in each other’s eyes for some time.
    It was the most tender moment he’d ever shared with a woman. He was not the afterglow kind of guy, the one who’d cuddle and exchange silly talk with a woman after the action. It was an indication of something more than sex and he avoided that at all costs, never wanting to mislead any woman into thinking he was feeling more for her than that 10-second orgasmic high he’d forget the next minute.
    But now, he couldn’t remember being so relaxed, basking in a woman’s warmth and beauty from inside out, actually enjoying an afterglow. This was another first for him with this woman.
    Dio, he was losing it.
    Before he’d embarrass himself by verbalizing his thoughts, he gently pulled out of her.
    She winced.
    “I’m sorry, cara. ”
    He looked down between them and froze.
    His cock was coated with blood.
    Fear slammed in his chest like a sledgehammer. More blood had stained the sheets under her ass. The blood on the folds of her pussy was lighter in shade, probably diluted by his semen oozing out of her.
    Dio, was she hemorrhaging?!
    “What…?” she asked in a lethargic voice.
    “You’re bleeding!”
    She looked down between them. “Oh. Yeah. Are you gonna cut that out and frame it?” She giggled.
    He jumped from the bed. “Don’t fucking joke about it! I’m going to call a doctor!”
    She sat up abruptly on the bed, her eyes wide. “What?! Are you crazy?!”
    “You’re hemorrhaging all over the fucking bed!”
    She rolled her eyes. “Calm down. I’m not hemorrhaging, you ninny.”
    “But that’s too much blood! You need to be checked!”
    “Oh god, seriously? And what will we tell the doctor?”
    “Doctors are not supposed to talk about their patients to others. They can be sued for breaching confidences.”
    “No, okay? JUST. NO. I’m fine. I’ve hurt myself more falling from the silk ropes than this. This is nada.” She dismissed it with a flick of her wrist.
    Cursing, he went behind the bar then he went to the bathroom. When he came back to the

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