My Kind of Trouble

Free My Kind of Trouble by Becky McGraw

Book: My Kind of Trouble by Becky McGraw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky McGraw
Tags: Contemporain
lilting voice said to the person on the other end of the
line. "I'm sorry I didn't call when I got here. My cell doesn't get
reception out here in the boondocks."
    After a few moments of silence, she said, "I
miss you too. Thanks for handling things so I could come out here."
She laughed a low intimate laugh and then, "Maybe you can come out
for the weekend soon."
    Luke's fists clenched imagining what the man
on the other end of the line was saying to her. They talked a
minute or two more about some business deal in Phoenix, then she
told the guy she loved him too and hung up the phone. Luke gritted
his teeth, and forced his feet to start walking. He bumped into her
when she barreled out of the alcove without warning. He grabbed her
shoulders to keep her from stumbling.
    "Oh, hey." Her hands fluttered and she said
unnecessarily, "I was just on the phone."
    Luke captured her wide blue eyes with his
own and tightened his grip on her shoulders. She shrugged her
shoulders trying to break free, but Luke just moved closer and
pushed her back into the tiny alcove. He dropped the duffle on the
floor and pressed her back against the wall.
    Cassie put her hands on his chest and pushed
then tried to bring her knee up between his legs, but couldn't
manage it. "Luke--let me go," her voice was a breathy whisper
between them.
    "No, I made that mistake once," he ground
out then claimed her mouth with his and poured out all the anger
and frustration bottled inside him, as well as a good measure of
the lust he'd been smothering down all day.
    What started as an angry kiss transitioned
into something else when her arms snaked up around his neck and she
leaned into him, her hips moving against his. Luke groaned then
deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking out hers in the warm cavern
of her mouth. All the blood rushed from his head and moved south.
He moved his hands down to her butt and squeezed before pulling her
closer into him.
    Cassie moaned, but it sounded more like a
purr around the buzzing in his own ears. She lifted her thigh
against the side of his leg and wrapped her calf around him, giving
him access to where he wanted to be. He pushed his erection into
the V at the top of her thighs and pressed into her, moaning when
he felt her heat against him. He kissed her desperately for a
moment then jerked his mouth from hers to rain little kisses across
her smooth cheek then down her neck, before he stopped and licked a
spot right behind her ear that he knew drove her wild.
    She whimpered and pressed her breasts to his
chest, her hardened nipples scratching against him with every
breath she tried to drag into her lungs. He moved his hand up to
cup her breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple then asked, "I
bet he doesn't get you this hot, does he?"
    Her body went completely still in his arms,
she reached down and moved his hand off her breast then squeezed
out from between him and the wall. Luke dropped his hands from her
body and turned to face her just in time to catch her hand across
the side of his face. Luke gritted his teeth against the sting. For
a girl, she packed a wallop and it stung like crazy, but he wasn't
going to rub it.
    "How dare you!" Her fists were clenched at
her sides and color rode high on her cheeks. Her blue eyes were
fierce and angry.
    "How dare I what, cupcake? Turn you on? Or
bring it to your attention that your boyfriend must fall short in
that department?"
    She growled, her body shaking now,
practically vibrating, as she pointed toward the door and ground
out, "Get out."
    He grabbed her hand and inspected it.
"Where's that honking ring the bastard gave you?"
    Cassie sucked in a breath and glanced at her
naked finger, then pulled her hand from his. "In my pocket. I took
it off at the barn, before we went out." She shoved her hand into
her pocket and searched around for it. Digging in as deep as she
could, she felt along the seam at the bottom and didn't

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