A Place Of Our Own (Contemporary Cowboy Romance) (Texas Heat series: Book 3, Jim and Maddies story)

Free A Place Of Our Own (Contemporary Cowboy Romance) (Texas Heat series: Book 3, Jim and Maddies story) by Amelia Rose

Book: A Place Of Our Own (Contemporary Cowboy Romance) (Texas Heat series: Book 3, Jim and Maddies story) by Amelia Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Rose
you a hand to bring it in,” said Jim, taking charge. “Where do you want it to go, Maddie?”
    She showed him and they had it in place in a few minutes. Jim stripped off the packaging and threw it in the empty fireplace to burn later on.
    “We should let it sit for a bit before we turn it on,” advised Jean.
    “I know the power cord is temporary,” said Red. “But we could bring over the generator from the Circle O, depending on how long it takes to get the power connected.”
    “That’s a good idea, Dad. I might just take you up on that. I’m thinking seriously of going solar when we get to the major renovation. There’s so much sun out here it seems a shame not to use it. We can always sell any excess back to the grid and it’ll pay for any power we do end up using from the grid.’
    Penny, Red, and Maddie were all noticing how Jim seemed to be clear on what he wanted and why. For the first time, it occurred to them that Jim knew what he was doing and was clearly coming into his own now that he had the opportunity to do so. Red’s thoughts ran to considering that the solar power made for a good business investment, considering the price of electricity
    “Come on, Penny, let’s go home and let these youngsters get settled in.”
    “I’ll come over in a while, Dad, and pick up a few of my things. Thanks for all your help.”
    “Well, once the boys find out what’s happening, I think you’ll have William, Michael, and Joseph over here on the weekend to give you a hand fencing off the forty acres the surveyor marked out – and any other jobs you want them to do, like the roof.”
    “That’d be great, Dad. Well, I’ll see you a bit later then. Come on, Jean, we’ll walk you back to the house.”
    “Thanks, Red. Bye, Maddie.”
    “Gran, I’ll be over later to help you with dinner – and borrow the bathroom!” They all laughed.
    “Well, I’ll see you then.”
    Jim and Maddie were by themselves at last, tired but very happy. They had a place of their own and lots of plans to make.
    “I don’t know about you, Jim O’Connor, but I’m ready for a cat nap. It’s been a big day.”
    “Well, let’s turn the fridge on and put the beer in and I’ll join you, if that’s okay?”
    ‘Do you think you could bring in a bucket of water first? I think I’ll be too tired later.’
    “Sure, anything to keep my woman happy. Seriously though, I’ll get something organized so we can have running water inside, something temporary but functional.”
    “Gran suggested we put up a barn and make a bathroom in one end of it, so we could use it as a second bathroom later on and you could have a comfortable place to wash up before you come in the house. And I guess a barn would be handy for storing tools and supplies. I’m all for doing those things first because we’ll be comfortable enough here.”
    “Thanks for not wanting a fancy house straight away. I really want to make the farm pay as soon as possible, and we can give ourselves time to think about what we want to do with this place. A barn is a great idea though. We could camp in there while I do some serious work on this place when the time comes.’
    “I don’t think I ever want a fancy house, Jim. I’ll settle for you and camping in the barn any time.”
    Jim kissed her as he went outside to bring back a bucket of water from the old well. “How about a rest, then we can go and grab some clothes. That should keep us going for a while.”
    “Sounds like a good idea to me.”
    Maddie moved through to the bedroom, thinking that it was only yesterday that she’d been here, reminiscing about Jim and deciding to try and get their lives back on track. She thought it proved that dreams can come true if you’re determined enough. She took out one of the portable electric fans and set it on top of the dresser, then ran a cord out to the

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