Ghost Detectors Volume 1

Free Ghost Detectors Volume 1 by Dotti Enderle

Book: Ghost Detectors Volume 1 by Dotti Enderle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dotti Enderle
    â€œWe can only ghost hunt on weekends.”
    Malcolm and Dandy had already had two exciting ghost adventures this summer. First, they’d gone into the Freaky McBleaky house and been chased out by the ghost Herbert McBleaky. Malcolm still cringed at the thought of the major wedgie the jokester had given him.
    Then, Malcolm waited weeks for his Ecto-Handheld-Automatic-Heat-Sensitive- Laser-Enhanced Ghost Zapper to arrive. When it finally did, he went ghost hunting again. Hezapped a ghost at the Millers’ house—and met his late great-grandfather and Spooky!
    â€œAnd we were just getting started,” Dandy said.
    Malcolm fidgeted with his specter detector, flipping it off and on. Spooky flicked off and on, too. He faded then returned, over and over, as the specter detector detected him.
    â€œWe won’t let it end. Ghost hunting is what we do,” Malcolm said, trying to sound encouraging. “We’ll devote every weekend to searching out ghosts.”
    â€œRight,” Dandy agreed.
    â€œNothing will stand in our way.”
    Dandy straightened, chin high. “Yep. Nothing.”
    Malcolm was starting to cheer up. “On weekends, ghost hunting comes first!”
    â€œRight,” Dandy said. “Ghost hunting comes first. Right after I do my homework . . . mow the lawn . . . clean my room . . . and bathe the dog.” He counted out each item on his fingers.
    Malcolm’s cheerful mood quickly drooped. “We’ll find time.”
    It was then that the basement door burstopen. A voice much like a bullhorn blared, “Mom says it’s time for dinner, snothead!”
    Malcolm’s sister, Cocoa, stood at the top of the stairs. She wore Irish green eye shadow and clown red lip gloss. Malcolm thought she looked like a traffic light.
    Spooky was scared by Cocoa’s demanding presence. He dashed straight through Malcolm and hid behind him.
    â€œTell Mom I’ll be there in a minute,” Malcolm said.
    Cocoa glared, hands on hips. “I’m not your messenger. Now come eat. And tell your goofy friend he has to go home.” Her lips curled into a devilish grin. “It’s a school night.”
    He couldn’t think of anything clever to say, so Malcolm simply stuck out his tongue.
    â€œNerd!” Cocoa yelled, stomping away.
    Malcolm turned to Dandy. “There is one good thing about going back to school tomorrow.”
    â€œWhat’s that?” Dandy wondered.
    â€œSeven full hours away from her!”


    E eg . . . eeg . . . eeg . . .
    The only sound worse than Cocoa’s annoying screech was that of the alarm clock. The sound made Malcolm want to shed his skin. He slapped the off button and tumbled out of bed.
    His plan to visit the bathroom failed when he discovered his sister had made camp in there.
    â€œYou’re not the only person in this house, you know!” Malcolm loudly reminded her.
    â€œIt’s the first day of school!” she called back through the closed door. “I have to look perfect!”
    â€œIf that’s what you’re waiting for, you’ll be in there for eternity,” Malcolm muttered as he walked away.
    He tried his parents’ bathroom, but Grandma Eunice occupied it. She’d obviously finished her morning prunes.
    Malcolm gave up and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. He dropped two pieces of bread into the toaster. While he waited, he remembered the time he’d tried converting that very toaster into an alien heat ray.
    When the toast was ready, he poured a glass of orange juice. His mom had already put the peanut butter and bananas on the table.
    Malcolm plopped into his chair. It scraped as he scooted closer. His parents were still eating, and they glanced up at all the noise he was making.
    â€œI can’t believe my babies are growing up so fast,” Malcolm’s mom said. Her voice was as sweet as the apple-mint jelly she

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