The Sheriff Meets His Match

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Book: The Sheriff Meets His Match by Jacquie Biggar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacquie Biggar
and her eyes soft with the same overwhelming desire that he could no longer deny.
    She tempted him more than any woman had in a very long time. Aunt Tess and Grace had cornered him at the restaurant and warned him not to let her escape.
    “You’re too good a man to let that bi…” Grace tripped over what she really wanted to say, “bitter woman you married stop you from finding true love.”
    And when he’d grimaced, Tess had clouted him on the shoulder. “We’re serious, you big oaf. Don’t waste another minute on the past, the future is staring you in the face, son. Laurel is the real deal, don’t let her get away.”
    He’d be lying to himself if he said April hadn’t ripped a hole in his heart when she left. Their affair had been hot and heavy—while it lasted. Unfortunately, she’d only wanted the dream. When reality stepped in and bit her in the ass, first with an unwanted pregnancy and then the loss of his football career, the rosy glow disappeared from her eyes. Jack couldn’t afford a loss like that again; it hurt too fricken much. And it wasn’t only himself that he had to think about. Tina needed stability in her life. It took her a long time to get over missing her mother. They were a good team, he and his daughter.
    But, what if they could make it work with Laurel? Just the thought of waking up every morning with her in his bed was enough to increase his heart rate. She was so vital, a breath of fresh air in his staid world.
    He cranked the wheel and headed down the newly plowed street. He needed to see her, talk to her. Then he could get rid of the ache that was making him think crazy thoughts. His hand clenched the wheel. Maybe it was time to take a second chance.

    * * *
    L aurel couldn’t draw a breath . Her heart was threatening to jump right out of her chest and join the kitten that had just scurried by and slithered under the straight-backed chair near the door.
    She’d seen guns before, of course. Castle was one of her favourite television shows, lots of guns there. But it was vastly different seeing one on T.V. and having the muzzle of one pointed at someone you truly cared about. Time slowed. Everything became sharper, clearer, precious.
    Why had she waited so long to tell Jack how she felt? She might not ever get a chance now, because there was no way Laurel was going to allow anything to happen to Jack’s daughter. Which meant she needed a plan. And fast.
    Her uncle looked pale, but composed. A far cry from how she felt at the moment. If this were the mall she’d be pulling the fire alarm and screaming the place down. Unfortunately, there were no bells nearby, and yelling for help would only get one of them shot if the look in her assailant’s eyes were anything to go by.
    “Where’s the cash?” he snarled, his gaze that of an ice-cold killer, or so it seemed in her agitated state of mind.
    “My purse is right there—on the table. Take it and leave.” Laurel tried to inject a dominant tone into her voice, but it ended in a squeak when he turned the pistol in her direction.
    “Do you think I’m fucking around here?” Spittle formed at the corners of his mouth like the rabid dog that he was. “I got nothin’ to lose. Either get me the money, now, or I’m going to make you rue the day we ever crossed paths.”
    Too late.
    Tina’s teeth were audibly clicking together, but at the same time Laurel caught a glimpse of her father’s integrity in her gaze. Please, God, don’t let her do something they’d all regret.
    Laurel slowly raised her hands in a show of submission, her brain working feverishly to find a way to get them out of this. “Calm down. I’ll give you what you want, but the girl gets to leave. That’s my deal.”
    He laughed. The prick.
    “Do I look stupid to you?”
    Rhetorical question, right?
    “The kid stays where she is, that way you’re more likely to pay attention. After all, she is your sweetheart’s spawn, isn’t she?” His grin was

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