Pawing Through the Past

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Book: Pawing Through the Past by Rita Mae Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Mae Brown
Investment is doing very well, though. But really, I was shocked that the old girl would try to buy me off.”
    Through various twists and turns Blair wound up sole director of a corporation originally set up to sell water to Albemarle County. However, he’d begun bottling it and selling the mountain water—purified, of course—in specialty stores. This proved lucrative.
    “You don’t need her money.” Harry thought to herself that it must be nice.
    “No. But the Sanburnes control Crozet. If I spurn Little Mim, I’m cooked. If I ignore Big Mim’s wishes, I’m cooked.”
    “M-m-m.” Harry removed her hands from her pockets and rubbed them together absentmindedly. “Do you like Marilyn?” She called Little Mim by her Christian name.
    “No. Not yet, if ever. That takes time for me.” He pursed his lips.
    “Well, squire Little Mim around to local functions, spend some time with her and her family. Sometimes when you really get to know someone things look different. You look different, too.”
    He paused and rephrased his thoughts. “If I’m up-front about getting to know her daughter, the family, Mim will take it better if I choose to spend my life with her daughter?” he questioned, then quietly added, “If the relationship should progress, I mean.”
    “He is a Yankee.”
Mrs. Murphy laughed because Blair missed the subtlety of Harry’s suggestion.
    “Because he’s only thinking of his feelings about Little Mim.”
Pewter had gotten a spot of grease on her paw, licked it, and spit.
    “Go drink water,”
Tucker told her.
    The gray cat scampered into the barn, standing on her hind legs to drink out of the water bucket in the wash stall.
    “He’s missing the point, that this gives Little Mim and Big Mim plenty of time to assess him.”
Tucker stood up and shook.
“Mom’s betting on Little Mim getting the stars out of her eyes.”
    “No. I think Mom is giving everyone a chance to draw closer or gracefully decline. If he walks away from Mim’s offer she’ll be furious. And if he took it he’d be held in contempt by her forever.”
    “He’s in a fix. You don’t think Little Marilyn knows?”
    “Tucker, it would kill her.”
    Pewter mumbled back,
“Let’s drag that grease gun into the woods.”
    “You’ll have even more grease on you.”
    Pewter eyed the dog.
“I hate it when you’re smarter than I am.”
    All three animals laughed.
    “. . . no hurry,” Harry continued. “If you go slow and be honest, things will turn out for the best.”
    “I knew you’d know the right thing to do.”
    “And pay court to Big Mim even if she’s cold to you. She loves the attention.”
    “Right.” He folded himself back into his car. “Glad you fi-nally got a new truck.”
    “Me, too.”
    He drove back down the driveway without fully realizing that now he really wanted Little Mim precisely because her mother refused him. Suddenly Little Mim was a challenge. She was desirable. People are funny that way.
    As soon as he was out of sight, Harry raced for the phone in the tackroom.
    “I was just thinking about how people say one thing and do another—sometimes on purpose and sometimes because they don’t know what they’re doing.”
    “Yes . . .” Susan drew out the yes.
    “Well, I was just talking to Blair about another matter but it made me think about people concealing their true intentions. Like Charlie’s behavior toward Marcy Wiggins at the shoot.”
    “He didn’t pay much attention to her at the shoot.” Susan thought back.
    “Exactly,” Harry said.
    “H-m-m.” Susan thought it over.
    “Let’s raise the flag and see who salutes.” Harry’s voice filled with excitement.
    “What do you mean?” Susan wondered.
    “Leave it to me.” Harry almost smacked her lips.
    “She’s incorrigible.”
The tiger cat sighed.

    By eight-thirty the next morning, they had all the mail sorted and popped in the mailboxes.

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