Leyance responded, misunderstanding her question.
    “ Him? Who is this guy?” she
questioned, now utterly confused.
    “ Oh, right, sorry. He’s an
evil man, Gina, that’s all you need to know. He died in a fire
about twenty-five years ago. He’s long gone.” He clearly did not
want to say more so Gina did not push him. Though he tried to hide
it, this dream had obviously disturbed him. She wanted to return
the same care and kindness that he had shown her earlier. So, she
sat up and wrapped her arms around him. He accepted the embrace.
They sat in silence for awhile then slowly broke away. Gina’s eyes
were caught by his, but, once again, she pulled away and went over
to the window. Leyance slowly followed and came up behind her,
wrapping his arms around her stomach and resting his head on her
shoulder. Gina’s heart was racing and so many butterflies darted
around her stomach that she was sure he’d feel them. She turned to
face him.
    “ Leyance…” His arms were wrapped around her and hers rested
upon his chest. No, she thought, this will only
complicate things and I don’t want that, I don’t. But those eyes!
Oh, man. I want to – just once, but I know I shouldn’t! But she couldn’t help it. She looked into his
eyes, reached up and put her lips to his. Instant relief swept over
her as she obeyed her heart’s desire. Yet, at the same time, her
stomach gripped with longing. They just held each other and kissed
for as long as they could. After a time, they finally broke apart
and stared into each other’s eyes.
    “ Do you remember anything?”
Leyance asked, studying her eyes, searching for a sense of
recognition in them.
    “ What are you talking
about?” Gina asked, taken aback.
    “ Well, I always thought
that you would remember your past if we finally got back together.
Do you remember anything?”
    “ What?
You only wanted to kiss me to make me remember?” she asked, hurt by
his remark. How could he say that? she thought.
    “ Yes, I mean, no. I love
you but I thought if you finally let yourself love me than you’d
remember but…”
    “ But the prophecy did not
say I’d remember through you! I’ll remember through some evil or
something,” she interrupted. “Besides, this doesn’t mean I love
you. I still don’t remember anything.”
Leyance looked injured. “I’m only trying to keep you from getting
hurt! Prophecies can be changed.”
    “ No, they
    “ Yes, they can. Do you
remember anything? Anything at all?”
    “ Yes,”
she replied after awhile, looking stern. “I remember why I didn’t
want to get involved with you.” With that she pushed past him and
went outside. Leyance in return followed her out the door, but went
off in the opposite direction. Gina watched him go, then walked
over to a rock, and sat down. I told
you, she thought. Things don’t change that easily.
    The rest of the vacation was spent in
silence. Gina hated the fact that they were mad at each other, yet
for once she could relax, knowing she was by herself more than
before. The time finally came to return back and surprisingly, Gina
felt rested. They hiked down the hills back to the city, this time
with Gina leading the way and Leyance lagging behind. On returning
to the city, Gina was sent straight to training for a long session
that the trainers hoped would make up for her absence. Night came,
and later sleep, and Leyance never showed his face to her.

Chapter 5
    “The First Test”
    Light filled Gina’s room. She rubbed her eyes
and looked up. Someone was standing next to her bed.
    “ Leyance…” Gina began, but
it was Fheyrhil whom stepped up to her.
    “ I am sorry to put anymore
pressure on you, Your Highness, but an emergency council must be
called now,” he reported.
    “ All right, I’m getting
up,” Gina mumbled and rolled out of bed.
    Five minutes later, Gina sat next to Fheyrhil
in the council room, still in her pajamas. Many members filed in,
and, to Gina’s dismay,

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