Genesis (The Legend of Glory Book 3)

Free Genesis (The Legend of Glory Book 3) by Devin O'Branagan

Book: Genesis (The Legend of Glory Book 3) by Devin O'Branagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devin O'Branagan
the visitor’s center. To the right of that is the wolf enclosure. A service road leads to the back side of it, where they access the animals to feed them.”
    “I think instead of treading lightly and trying to sneak in, we just bust in with guns blazing,” Zane said. “Make as much of a ruckus as we can. It’ll get the animals riled, and there’ll be noise and confusion. Some of us hold off Bo and his gang, the rest will get Joy out.”
    “Works for me,” Jinx said.
    “If Bo is still traveling with the same crew as last time, we’re evenly matched,” Jezebel said. “Not counting the witches, of course.”
    “Then we’ll have to be the ones to get Joy out of wherever she is,” Rory said, ignoring the vampires’ doubtful expressions.
    “I can talk to the wolves,” Kaia said. “Maybe reason with them.”
    Silently, the Goth Girls stared at her.
    “Seriously, I can communicate with animals. It’s one of my best gifts.”
    “She’s real good at it,” Rory said.
    Zane took off his hat, ran fingers through his hair, and plopped it back on his head. “We don’t have any choice but to kick it in the ass. That’s Joy in there. Let’s go.”
    Everyone piled into the truck: Jinx in shotgun position, Rory and Kaia in the back seat, and the remainder of the Goth Girls in the truck bed.
    “Buckle up and hold on tight.” Zane punched the stereo up and cranked the volume, filling the night with throbbing music. Popping the truck into gear, he floored the gas.
    Rory scrambled to strap in. Gravel flew from beneath the tires as the truck blasted forward. The Goth Girls whooped and shouted their battle cry of “Fearless!” Country singer Jason Aldean sang to the night that this was his kind of party, and the hulking three-quarter ton truck with the huge steel grill guard on the front busted through the locked chain link double swing gates at the entrance.
    Jinx directed Zane to the wolf habitat where he slammed on the brakes. He left the engine running, and the headlights and music on. As they spilled out of the truck, Rory handed Kaia one of the silver knitting needles. Zane tossed Kaia a tire iron and Rory a pair of bolt cutters. Machetes made their way into vampire hands.
    Wolves howled, cougars screamed, owls screeched.
    Zane took a moment to look at each of them, and a slow smile crossed his face. “Let’s party.” He threw a wink at Rory.
    Rory felt her confidence spike and nodded. “I got this.” Taking a deep breath, she followed Kaia to the chain link fence of the wolf habitat. Zane and the Goth Girls formed a semi-circle around them, facing outward, braced for attack. Within moments, shadows moved in.
    “Gotcha!” a man shouted.
    “We’ll see who’s got who, Bo,” Zane’s surprisingly calm voice replied.
    “Oh, you brought us two pretty bags of fresh blood to get drunk on,” Bo said.
    Rory silently dared him to try.
    Zane laughed. “Ain’t gonna happen.”
    Feral shouts, the clash of metal on metal, flesh pounding flesh, grunts and cursing erupted, and a splash of wetness splattered the side of Rory’s face. Her hand wiped it away; she saw the blood, and an even greater sense of urgency took over. She fell to her knees and snipped at the chain link with the bolt cutters.
    Keep the eye on the prize.
    Two wolves charged the fence and reared up on hind feet, their front ones on the wire way too close to Rory’s head. Their vicious growls caused her to jerk away.
    Kaia lunged at them and body-slammed the fence. “Stop it! Behave!”
    The wolves leapt back and regarded Kaia with glittering eyes.
    “I’m the boss of you now and you’ll do as I say.”
    “I thought you were going to try to reason with them,” Rory said.
    “Wolves understand the alpha dynamic. Besides, I’m using my mind to get inside theirs.”
    “Hmm. Alpha on, sweetie.”
    “You will back off and let us in,” Kaia told the wolves.
    Stunningly, they grew quiet and moved away.
    “Hurry Rory. Don’t know how long I

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