Crimson Rain

Free Crimson Rain by Tex Leiko

Book: Crimson Rain by Tex Leiko Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tex Leiko
Tags: Fantasy
notice the lacerations on Max ’ s hand as they walked back. The rain had washed off all of the blood and it looked like gaping chasms of skin leading to his tendons.
    Max unlocked the large, black steel door that led into the clinic and made Zarfa stand on his own as he pushed it. As the door creaked open, Zarfa saw the glass scattered on the floor and the blood trailing to the door. It looked as if someone had robbed the place, but he knew no one had. They both stepped in and Max turned on the lights.
    “ Looks like they tried to jump you in here, doc. ”
    Max paused. “ Nah, I was struggling with myself. Something I thought I had conquered… Guess not. ”
    “ Yeah, I ’ ll bet there is a story that goes with it. I ’ m probably unworthy, ” Zarfa said in all seriousness. In a short time, he had come to respect Max.
    “ Nah, you aren ’ t unworthy. But it really isn ’ t worth your time , it’s pathetic and not worth anyone ’ s time . Now, let ’ s get some medifoam on that injury of yours. ”
    Max had already gotten a can out and began to shake it. Zarfa began to tense up. He had been through a lot of pain in his lifetime, but he still hated the sting of medifoam.
    “ Not to sound gay or anything, ” Max said sarcastically, “ but I really need you to take off your shirt for me. ”
    Zarfa smiled slightly; he respected Max and even tried to banter with his humor earlier. He felt as if he failed. He didn ’ t know Max well enough to know if he truly saw it or appreciated it. As he peeled off his shirt, he let out a sigh and his mind wandered.
    This has been a bizarre day. I hated this guy and his fake sincerity earlier today, but I think it is real now. Damn idiot would be dead, though, if it wasn ’ t for me. Maybe he will give me the next four treatments free. I don ’ t know, what ’ s the harm in asking?
    Zarfa threw his shirt into the trail of broken glass on the floor; he didn ’ t care. It had a hole in it and was covered in more than his own blood. He would leave it. He raised his left arm and got ready for the medifoam. He drew a long, deep breath and held it.
    “ Fire away, doc, ” he said.
    Without the least bit of hesitation, Max stuck the nozzle into the wound, touching one of the broken ribs. He pulled the trigger and the stinging bite of the medifoam struck Zarfa with an intensity that he wasn ’ t prepared for. It wasn ’ t a high level of pain; but it reminded him of the way the sting felt from the giant wasp that had nearly killed him by eviscerati on . The pain he felt that nearly crippled him and stole his breath was emotional trauma and no matter how many times he tried to prepare for it, he was never ready.
    “ Done, and done, ” Max said as he pointed to a bed on the far side of the room near the waiting area. “ Lay over there, get some rest. There is a mini - fridge under the desk. Help yourself to whatever is in it, get lots of water. Thank you for all that you ’ ve done and I really hope I don ’ t seem ungrateful, but I need to run. It ’ s ten-forty-five , and I was suppose d to meet someone at eleven. I am so late and I hope she is there. Really! Thanks! I mean it, and I know I am in an awful condition, but you will be better in the morning. I will tend to mine then; it will all work out. I have to meet Crimson. ”
    “ You have a dying patient and you abandon him for a date? ”
    “ You aren ’ t dying. I diagnosed your wound and it was pretty peripheral. You will be healed by the morning with the foam. ”
    “ She must be special. ”
    “ It isn ’ t like that. ”
    “ No? ”
    “ No. She is beautiful, but she promised to answer questions that you wouldn ’ t, so I am off to discover. ”
    “ And what if I rip you off and steal everything while you are away? ”
    “ You saved my life; you earned it. ”
    “ Take this. You need it more than I do, ” Zarfa said, handing Max the gauss pistol.
    “ It isn ’ t even loaded. There are no bullets in

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