it was obvious that this soldier
was a man of violence. A man full of courage with no objections or
shyness to battle, yet Talon felt a weakness in him, he sensed a
feeling of uncertainty in the eyes of the soldier before him, it
was like a taste of the man’s aura, and Talon felt sure that this
man’s uncertainty would give him notice of his actions.
    “Take your
hands of my friend NOW!” Talon ordered.
    The soldiers
face now turned to one of surprise at the severity of Talon’s
demand, it was not what the soldier had expected and a short
silence fell between them as the atmosphere turned to
    Talon sensed
that the man was about to strike. His young mind was suddenly
filled with voices, he could hear the thoughts of the soldiers
companions urging there friend to teach him a lesson, then just
before the soldier struck out, Talon sensed an overwhelming feeling
of the soldiers rage.
    As the soldier
tried to strike Talon, Talon’s intuition helped ready himself,
somehow Talon knew exactly what the man was going to do, the blow
was parried and Talon pushed the soldier flying onto the
    One of his
companions tried to grab Talon, but Talon once again felt the
attack before it happened. He stepped gracefully to one side
avoiding the soldiers lunge and in one swift movement forced his
elbow to smash into the man’s face, sending the soldier reeling to
the ground holding his face in pain. The third soldier moved
angrily to confront Talon, but Talon just took one step back and
stared at him sensing a deep fear within the third soldier.
Something inside in the blinking of an eye told Talon that this man
did not want to fight, he gazed deep into the man’s eyes, it was a
stare of strength and certitude as he looked deep into the very
depths of the man’s soul.
    “Don’t be
afraid of me!” Talon suddenly said “I will not harm you unless that
is what you seek” he added calmly.
    The soldier
seemed to freeze with fear and stood speechless as one of his
companions; the one who Talon had pushed first had risen to his
feet and was reaching for his knife.
    Talon reacted
with the speed of lightning as his foot rose into the air and
kicked the knife wielding soldier hard in the face who in turn was
sent crashing over three tables before falling limply to the
    “Take your
friends and leave now!” Talon ordered the soldier before him in a
tone of voice that showed he was in complete control of the
    Without saying
a word the two soldiers picked up there unconscious friend and
scurried out of the tavern.
    Talons friends
slowly gathered round him in disbelief at what they had just
    “What did you
do to them Talon?” one said to him.
    “I have never
seen such terror in a man’s face before.” another commented.
    “Three cheers
for Talon.” another cadet shouted “and three cheers for the Chow
military school!” another Added.
    The next
morning at the Chow military school began with unusual peculiarity
as the schools corridors and halls, usually bustling with noise,
remained silent and empty because it had long been tradition that
the day that followed the Festival of Pass be known as a day of
rest. A day that once a year the schools cadets could remain in
there bunks and dormitories.
    Last night’s
celebrations had gone on well into the early hours of the morning
and when General Chow walked along the quite corridors on his way
to see General Krustov at first light he could not help himself
feel pride at the schools marvellous design.
    When Chow
reached General Krustov’s room he knocked gently on the door.
Answered Krustov who had long been awake and was already sitting at
his desk in anticipation.
    “Good morning
General, I have the papers you requested.” Chow answered as he let
himself in and joined him at the table. Krustov immediately began
to read the papers and when he had read them he sat back and sighed
out aloud.
he remarked tapping his

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