Cowboy Love on Hold [Love: The Cowboy Way 1]

Free Cowboy Love on Hold [Love: The Cowboy Way 1] by Luxie Ryder

Book: Cowboy Love on Hold [Love: The Cowboy Way 1] by Luxie Ryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luxie Ryder
need. Wade knew what he had to do.
    He dropped to his knees in front of Brandon, again uncertain of just how to do it, but sure he wanted to try. Grasping Brandon’s prick at the root, Wade pulled it towards him as he opened his mouth and took Brandon inside. The warm, soft flesh felt good in his mouth, and he swirled his tongue around to taste Brandon fully, surprised to find he liked it. Moving his hand in time with the rhythm Brandon set by pumping his hips, Wade learned when to lean forward and how to take more of Brandon in.
    Wade could hear and feel that Brandon was ready to explode, and he doubled his efforts, determined to give him such an intense orgasm that he could never doubt again that Wade truly wanted him. But when Brandon’s hands knotted in his hair and tugged his head away, Wade followed his silent command and got to his feet.
    Brandon’s lips found his as soon as Wade was close enough to reach, and he plunged his tongue into Wade’s mouth, groaning at the taste of himself on Wade’s lips. Or at least Wade assumed that’s what it was. But maybe he just liked the way Wade was pulling on his cock relentlessly, his fist clenched around it, knowing from experience that a firm touch was what a man wanted when he was about to come. Wade pushed Brandon’s face to one side, pinning his head against the wall to lean in and bite the strong cords in his neck, nibbling his way up to his ear.
    “Tell me how it feels to have my hands on you.”
    “So good…so fucking good.”
    Wade grabbed a handful of Brandon’s hair, keeping him trapped and biting him again. Brandon wasn’t anywhere near as out of control as Wade wanted him to be, and there was no fucking way Wade was going to let him get away with it.
    “I want you to fuck my hand. Do you hear me, Brandon? I want you to pump your cock into my fist as hard and fast as you can.”
    “Yes…yes,” Brandon groaned, his voice fading away as his hips jerked erratically, increasing the speed of his thrusts. Wade watched Brandon’s face go slack as the first wave of his orgasm tore through him. Brandon roared, surging forwards and then falling back and banging his head into the wall when the first powerful jet of cum splashed over Wade’s wrist. He watched the muscles of Brandon’s abdomen convulsing, his stomach clenching and releasing in time with the thick spurts of semen pumping out of him. Wade held him until the tremors left his body, smiling when Brandon gasped and shuddered as he pulled his flaccid penis out of Wade’s hand.
    “Fuck! You learn fast,” Brandon said in a husky voice, his green eyes still hazy with lust and his chest heaving.
    Wade looked down at his hand, unsure what to do with the sticky mess for now. Brandon laughed and tore off his T-shirt. Wade grinned and took it from him, wiping away the evidence of Brandon’s arousal, but pleased that his first attempt at seducing a man had been so successful. “So I guess I’m an expert now, huh?”
    Brandon smiled, pushing Wade to one side as he slid off his jeans. Brandon stood naked before him, smiling in a way that made Wade’s cock throb with anticipation. “Almost, Wade…almost.”

    * * * *

    Wade jerked beneath Brandon’s hands as he rolled the condom down over Wade’s penis. They were in Brandon’s bed in the Shaker style back room of the one-story house, curtains drawn against the low evening sun streaming in through the windows.
    Brandon tossed Wade a bottle of lube and turned over to lay on his front, warning him not to use too much. Wade laughed and squirted some into his palm. “This ain’t my first rodeo, Buddy.”
    Relaxing when he realized Wade and Kimber must have done this before and that he wouldn’t have to coach him, Brandon scooted to his knees, eager now for Wade to get on with it. Brandon needed this connection with the man he loved. He had no idea when he might see Wade again, and the memories they made today would live in his heart until it was safe for

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