Wildfire Creek

Free Wildfire Creek by Shirleen Davies

Book: Wildfire Creek by Shirleen Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirleen Davies
home out of logs. He scanned the notches Noah had made in each log to connect the corners. They were perfect.
    “Someday I may add more rooms,” he said, pointing to areas where he’d used vertical logs to board up openings for passageways if he ever expanded. He walked to a stove, grabbed cups, and poured coffee. “Come on.”
    They followed Noah outside and leaned against the front porch railings.
    “Anything else turn up missing?” Luke asked.
    Noah let out a low groan. “A bucket, my last blanket, and a tin of hardtack from Suzanne at the boardinghouse. There has to be someone living up in the mountain, maybe in one of the caves not far from here. Similar caves exist near your place on Wildfire Creek.”
    “The caves where the Mayes gang hid before they took Rachel and the others captive.” Luke sipped his coffee, remembering those days several months before.
    “That’s my guess. You missing anything?” Noah asked.
    “Not the last few days, but I’ve been staying there at night.” Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of fabric. “We found this on the trail over here.”
    He handed the scrap to Noah. He turned it over a couple times, then gave it back to Luke. “No telling what it’s from or how old it is,” Noah commented.
    “It’s not much, but I may get some men together and start searching the caves before the snow starts, see if we can find the culprits and stop the aggravation.”

    “Another round, Ginny,” Luke called over his shoulder, oblivious to the tempestuous glare she shot him.
    The men who’d helped build the house, plus all the other ranch hands who weren’t with the herd on Saturday night, crowded around three tables in the Rose. They’d been drinking, playing cards, and celebrating the completion of Luke’s house for four hours with no sign of slowing down. She didn’t blame them. From what she’d heard, it had been a huge undertaking for this late in the fall.
    Noah and Gabe had joined them for a while before taking off to get supper at the boardinghouse. How Ginny wished she were there and not forced to watch as Luke pulled one saloon girl after another onto his lap. It seemed innocent enough, even though each of the women would have liked more. Although he never gave any of them an indication he wanted to follow them upstairs, the entire scene still irritated Ginny. What really irritated her was that she had no idea why she cared so much.
    “Here you go.” She almost slammed the drinks on the table, spilling more than a small amount out of Luke’s glass.
    “Hey, Ginny, watch what you’re doing.” Luke grinned as he looked up at her, a somewhat loopy expression on his face.
    She almost smiled, then stopped herself. If he didn’t slow down, he’d be spending the night in the back of a wagon or anywhere he could find a bed. She grimaced at the thought, knowing any of the ladies would be glad to take him upstairs, even in his drunken state.
    “May I get you anything else, Mr. Pelletier?”
    Luke didn’t take his gaze off her. Her smile seemed forced and a little too sweet, which bothered him more than he liked. He knew she thought he was drunk, but in truth, he had a long way to go before he wouldn’t be able to walk out of the Rose on his own two legs. During the war he’d spent many nights drinking with those who had information he needed. Not once had he not completed his assignment.
    “No. I think we’re fine for right now.” Luke watched as she turned from him, and on impulse, reached out to grab her wrist. “Why don’t you sit for a while? Amos won’t mind if you take a short break.”
    The feel of his hand on her skin sent a strange tremor up her arm, which wasn’t so different than when he’d been within inches of her in the confined boardinghouse hallway. His nearness had caused the same pulsing sensation through her body, as well as heat to creep up her neck and face. She looked down at him, wishing she could sit next to him and

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