Beneath An Ivy Moon (Legacy Of Magick Series, Book 4)

Free Beneath An Ivy Moon (Legacy Of Magick Series, Book 4) by Ellen Dugan

Book: Beneath An Ivy Moon (Legacy Of Magick Series, Book 4) by Ellen Dugan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Dugan
you’d know that how?” I demanded, my protective instincts kicking in. If he thought he could skulk around and spy on my relatives... he was in for a world of hurt.
    He held up his hands and took a half step back. “I met her the other day.”
    I scowled at him. “Tell you what, why don’t you leave me your number and—”
    “This is important,” he cut me off.
    “I’m sure you think it is,” I said.
    He drew himself up. “I was simply hoping to have a private, polite conversation with an elder member of your family line.”
    “Really?” I shot back. “You should probably go home and practice being polite first. From what I’ve seen that’s going to be a real challenge for you.”
    He did a double take.
    I stood silently and waited.
    “I’m sorry,” Nathan said, rolling his eyes. “I apologize for my behavior—”
    “Too late!” I sang.
    “—this afternoon,” he said over me. “It’s been a hell of a day.”
    “Let’s add ‘learning to sound sincere’ to your to-do list,” I suggested, crossing my arms over my chest. “Why are you really here, Pogue?”
    “I told you...” He leaned in aggressively, closer to the door. “I was hoping to speak to a member of your family.” He stared down at me. Our eyes locked and I felt a trickle of his power.
    I broke eye contact, and yanked my head back. The sonofabitch had just tried to spell me! I had a flash of insight and realized that he was used to getting his way. By his looks, or his magick. I glanced down at the cat. “ Achtung ,” I said quietly. Beside me, Merlin let out a feline grumble and rose up to attention.
    Nathan’s jaw dropped open at that. “Did you really give your cat a command— that it obeyed?”
    “What’s the matter? Too subtle for you?” I said over the increasing volume of Merlin’s growl. I stood up straighter and held my ground. No way was he getting past the wards.
    “This isn’t getting us anywhere...” Nathan scrubbed a hand over his head, and his hair fell artfully around his face. His whole demeanor changed as he braced his forearm against the doorframe. “Why don’t you invite me in?” he practically purred, leaning in closer with a slow smile.
    The open space in the door frame— and between us— lit up with a bright yellow flash. He fell back from the door, and I had the supreme satisfaction of watching his jaw drop for the second time that day.
    “Manners, Pogue. You really do need to learn some,” I said, stepping further back into the foyer. “I’ll be sure to let my family know that a pompous asshole from an east coast line of Witches dropped by.” I flicked a finger towards the door. Untouched it began to swing, and slammed shut— right in his face.
    I focused on the lock and it flipped loudly. I waited until I heard him leave and I rushed to the family room window. I stood off to the side, watching him stalk down the front sidewalk. He let himself out of the narrow opening in our tall, iron gate at the end of the driveway, barely clearing it— when it banged closed behind him.
    From the window I could see him flinch in surprise, spinning around to scowl at the gate. Merlin jumped up on the windowsill and made a chirping noise that sounded like a chuckle. We watched as he got into his little black sports car and drove away.
    I stepped away from the window. “What an asshole! Why did he have to be so good looking?”
    As an answer, Merlin took a swipe at my hand.
    “Ouch!” I yanked my hand away and inspected it. “Well at least you didn’t break the skin.” I glared at the cat. “I never said I liked him.”
    Merlin radiated feline superiority and began to groom his paws.
    I couldn’t help it. I started to laugh. The whole scenario struck me as outrageously funny. “What a day.” I went back to the kitchen, still chuckling. I cleaned up my dinner and fed the cat. I snagged an ice cream sandwich out of the freezer and headed upstairs.
    Going directly to the hidden panel in my

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