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Book: ArousingMemories by Samantha Cayto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Cayto
try to clear the air without a fight. He wasn’t up for it, and while
it was an embarrassing thought, it was still the plain truth. He cleared his
throat, and braced himself a bit as a precaution. “Look, Sev, you know I don’t
remember jack, so I’m sorry if I poached on your preserve or something.” He
winced internally, glad the woman in question wasn’t there to hear him put it
in such chauvinistic terms.
    Sev’s face screwed up in confusion. “Huh? Oh,” he added
after a second. “Haley. You think I’m here to pound you into the ground because
you’ve been dancing with her in the pool?” He shook his head. “That’s old news,
pal. Haley can fuck whomever she wants, as can I,” he added with that grin
again, although this time, it seemed more forced.
    Noah blinked hard. Behind the grin was a look that reminded
him of the wistful one Haley had given, only a masculine version. “So, you and
Haley are lovers, too?”
    “Were,” Sev corrected, and his light tone and expression
were even less convincing than the previous grin. There was something deeper
going on there.
    Noah tried to make sense of it all. “You and she were, but
aren’t anymore. I know she and I were lovers before my injuries because she
told me as much, and I know she and I are now because there’s nothing wrong
with my short-term memory.” The wheels in his head turned much too slowly,
still, he thought he was beginning to get it. “And, you and I are, too?” This
last question was said with trepidation. If he were wrong about it, he was in
for that pounding again.
    Sev didn’t look mad, however. He grinned yet again, and
nodded his head, his expression more genuine. “I’ve had your sweet ass a time
or two. You and I are among those really fortunate men who like to dine on both
sides of the table. It makes for a delectable variety.” He licked his lips
    Haley and Sev both? Good God, was there anyone in this
organization he wasn’t sleeping with? “Am I some kind of man-ho or something?”
he asked in bewilderment. “Am I screwing Ms. Mac, too?”
    Sev laughed out loud and stood up from the bench. “Jesus, I
hope not. Although I have heard rumors about the woman.” Shaking his head, he
said, “Never mind. I’ve been waiting for you because I figure it’s past time
for us to get reacquainted.”
    The other man sauntered toward him, and Noah could see an
erection through the worn material of Sev’s jeans. It wasn’t an unwelcome
sight, either. Despite his earlier release, his own cock started to respond to
all this talk of fucking. He barely had time to ponder it before Sev was upon
him, taking him roughly by the arms and slamming his mouth onto Noah’s. His
first impulse was to stiffen against the attack, but a second later, he yielded
to the other man’s hold and clasped him into his own.
    As he entwined with Sev, he noticed underneath the growing
heat of arousal how big and hard the muscles were that he clung to. His own
head was tilted up to meet and mate with a mouth and tongue as large as his
own. And there was a hardness pressed against his belly. By shifting his stance
a little bit his own cock bumped against the ridge in Sev’s pants. They both
groaned at the contact, and Noah plastered himself even more against the other
man’s body. One of Sev’s hands tugged free the towel around Noah’s waist. The
rasp of the cloth against his aroused flesh made him gasp. The sound morphed
into a long groan when Sev’s strong fingers wrapped around his cock and
    Everything was faster, harder with another man, yet the back
of his brain knew it was all good. Not wanting to be merely a passive receiver
of Sev’s passion, though, Noah pulled out of the kiss enough to nip at the
other man’s lips. His hands snaked under Sev’s shirt to tangle and pull at the
crisp hairs nestled between the man’s hard pecs. The nipples, too, were hard
points, and he used his thumbs to rub the nubs. Sev rewarded

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