Chasing Marisol (Blueprint to Love Book 3)

Free Chasing Marisol (Blueprint to Love Book 3) by Lauren Giordano

Book: Chasing Marisol (Blueprint to Love Book 3) by Lauren Giordano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Giordano
maybe? She had her whole life to tie herself down with a family. Why would she end her freedom so soon?
    Although— her choosing to foster Hector made him like her even more. She was protective of those who couldn't protect themselves. She was passionate and dedicated. Unafraid of a challenge. She would gain custody of Hector because his drug addicted mother couldn't provide the environment he deserved. Mari would give him everything he needed and more. Jeff skidded to a stop. She would value him.
    A relationship with her would never work. Jeff contemplated banging his head against the wall. Yeah— she was beautiful, passionate, dedicated and giving. Who the hell wants a woman like that? Feeling like an idiot, he stomped back to his desk and sat down.Retrieving a pencil from the plans he should have been reviewing, Jeff drummed it absently. Since Hector seemed to be fascinated by excavation, he'd managed to track down a kid sized hardhat for him to wear once they began construction at the shelter. They'd break ground in a few days-
    A chill jagged down his spine. What the hell was he thinking? He'd only known Hector for a week. What was he doing— making plans for him? As though he had the right to. As though he'd be hanging out with the kid indefinitely. Jeff laid his head on the contracts he'd been reviewing and groaned. What was happening to him?
    When his phone rang, he was almost relieved. "Traynor."
    He smiled when he recognized his father's voice. It was about friggin' time. "Where have you been? I'm up to my eyes with your homeless shelter project." He jotted a few notes on the dog-eared pad on the corner of his desk. This was his chance— to extricate himself from the project. And from Mari's tempting clutches. "You're at Jake's? Yeah— I can make it. I'll be there in thirty minutes."
    "What are all those deep thoughts making you scowl, mi hija dulce?"
    Mari smiled. Even after all these years, she couldn't get used to her fiery-haired, freckle-faced, blue-eyed mother speaking Spanish. It always seemed so laughably out of context. " My sweet daughter ? I sense serious prying coming my way."
    "Joke if you want, but I know that expression." Bridget paused in setting the table. "Something is distracting you, and I don't think it's our Sunday afternoon pork roast."
    Sighing, Mari passed her mother another place setting. Perhaps it was for the best she didn't see her family as often as she wished. It was easy to forget how well they all could read her. She'd accepted the invitation to dinner thinking the long drive to Baltimore would be a good way to take her mind off her problem. Yet even in the safe cocoon of her parents’ home, she could not escape thinking about Jefferson. About how good it felt to be in his arms. About how wonderful he was with Hector. About how much she already wanted to see him again. How if he'd called today— she would have said yes. And she wouldn't have tried to talk herself out of it.
    And how utterly terrifying it was to realize that.
    Her mother eyed her skeptically. "Something is bothering you, carina."
    Why was she fantasizing about a relationship with a man who didn't 'do' relationships? She'd already run the gauntlet with Caridad. Thank goodness, Serafina hadn't arrived yet. "It's not important, Mom. You know me— I'm dwelling on something I can't control."
    Panic flared in the older woman's eyes as she grabbed Mari's arm. "Lord— it's not Nick? He's not back— is he?" Her mother appeared ready to bolt into the living room and jerk her father from his armchair.
    "Mom, calm down. I haven't heard from him— not in two years. It's all over." Guilt lanced her over the terror in her mother's voice.
    Her mother released a steadying breath. It was several seconds before the fear dissolved from her eyes. Mari experienced a wash of shame. She'd forgotten how much her volatile relationship with Nick had affected her family. As the person who lived it, she'd borne the brunt of his

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