A Promise Worth Honoring (Promises Collection)

Free A Promise Worth Honoring (Promises Collection) by Cyndi Faria

Book: A Promise Worth Honoring (Promises Collection) by Cyndi Faria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Faria
    With the back of her hand, she brushed her cheeks and a breeze chilled away the moisture. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face Dane.
    He held her pageant bag in one hand, but his gaze and smile held an unexpected gentleness.
    “Where did you find my stuff?”
    He handed her the bag. “Emily’s car. I saw it in passing and confronted her. Because of her dishonesty, her crown has been removed, which means you need to return to the judging.”
    “I’m done… give the crown to someone else.”
    “You sure?”
    She hitched the soft nylon strap over her arm. Seemed everything that had been around from the beginning reminded her of the comfort she’d felt in Garrett’s arms. “I’ve never been more sure. But thank you. I’ll see you around—”
    “That’s not why I’m here.”
    She popped up her head, shocked at his tenacity. All she wanted was to take a hot bath and add to the water with her tears. “Dane, I’ve had a rough—”
    “This isn’t about us. You need to listen to the message on your phone.”
    She retrieved her cell phone from the side pocket, and pulled up the call history. Garrett’s name topped the list and caused her heart to ache and tears to brim. “We’re not together.”
    “That’s not what he said to me last night. So, like I said, hear him out.” He walked away, leaving her standing under the bright lights of the parking lot. What words could Garrett possibly use to change her mind about leaving that he hadn’t during the dance? He’d made plans of his own that didn’t include her. When her voicemail played the first recording, she pressed his voice to her ear.
    Message: “Maggie, I love you, only you, for my entire life.”
    Message two: “I’ve never told anyone why I shut myself inside that old refrigerator, but I need you to know how your very existence moved me from the beginning. Seems so ridiculous now—how at the sight of you my heart pounded, my hands moistened, and my mouth dried all from a single glance through ten-year-old eyes. But I realize now Fate tied us together. Your smile, our friendship, making love to you… you set my world on fire then—a fire that still rages in my heart.”
    Message three: “What made my heart sing was having you in my arms, not only when we made love, but the entire week. Tonight. See, my dreams don’t include a world where you’re not beside me. I don’t care where we go, as long as we’re together. So, if you get this message and you’re ready to spend the rest of your life with a guy who’s trying to find his dream, locate me…”
    Her breath hitched and she cupped her face. She’d never bought a ticket to Belize. She’d packed the truck bed with empty suitcases to save face. Because without him, she had nowhere she’d rather be than Safe Haven.
    Message four: “Or simply turn around.”
    She did. And there he was. Waiting for her.
    She threw down her bag and kicked off her heels. Through tears that slid down her throat and face, she could barely speak. “Gar-rett, I-I love”—sniff, sniff—“you!”
    With a wide grin, he held out his arms and caught her midair. He didn’t let go, not until the announcement of pending fireworks blasted from the intercom overhead. “You got my messages.”
    “I did. And I was wrong to doubt you. I wanted to tell you, but I was the one who was scared.” She sucked in a deep, ragged breath. “I didn’t want to lose my heart to a hero. But I did. You’re my hero and you have my heart.”
    “And you’re ready to leave this town with me?”
    She pulled back to read his gaze. “I—I don’t understand. You’ve finally passed your test. You’re following your family’s tradition.”
    “Yeah, I finally figured out that’s why you were so distant today. Because you didn’t let me explain last night.” He shook his head. “I turned down the job to take time to find my way, with you.”
    “You did? But I didn’t think you’d want me

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