A Perfect Likeness

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Book: A Perfect Likeness by Roger Gumbrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Gumbrell
information to take to DI Deckman then I’ll tell them, along with Michael’s parents. Then again that might not be a good idea. Oh hell, I don’t know what to do for the best. Hopefully, by the time my folks get here you will have a couple of AA meetings under your belt and will be feeling more confident on your own and then I should be able to focus my mind better.’
    ‘I know I have to be alone soon,’ said Trish, ‘but I’ve relied on you so much the last few days I’m not sure I will be able to make it by myself.’
    ‘Yes you can. You have to and I will always be here for you. I have told you that before. We will talk every day, more than once if you like and I expect to see you most days.’
    ‘Won’t be quite the same.’
    ‘Of course it won’t, but that means you are on the mend and that is what we are working towards. Right, let’s drink up and get home. Your place tonight, I believe. There’s just one more thing, my manager phoned today and asked me to attend a seminar on the hotel’s new computer system tomorrow morning. I have to go, of course.’
    ‘Why, I thought you were on holiday?’ Trish cursed herself. ‘I’m sorry, shouldn’t have said that. I’m being selfish again.’
    ‘Come on, Trish, I’ll only be away from nine to midday. Let’s see how you get on. I will leave my mobile on vibrate just in case you have a problem.’


    Jackie drove away from the house wishing she had phoned the hotel to say she was too ill to attend. She saw Trish in the rear view mirror, standing at the door, waving and desperate to keep the car in sight for as long as possible. It was going to be a tough morning for both of them and she knew Trish would have begun her fight already. Jackie had asked her to prepare a report on the investigation so far in the hope that it would be enough to keep her mind away from other matters.
    It didn’t work, the report wasn’t coming together. Trish screwed up the third piece of paper, throwing it across the office in anger. She was looking at her watch every five minutes or so. Her anger was aimed at Jackie. ‘Why isn’t she here, I thought she was my friend?’ she shouted. ‘How could she do this to me?’ She was shaking and needed a drink. By eleven o’clock the craving had become intolerable. She opened the drinks cabinet and found it had been emptied. Jackie had cleared all the alcoholic drinks while Trish slept off her last binge. They were locked in the boot of her car. Trish swore aloud and paced the office, her nerves in pieces. She wiped perspiration from her brow. The palms of her hands were sticky with sweat. She had no choice, The Study had been open for fifteen minutes and it was her only means of relief.


    ‘Hello, Mack, don’t say anything, just give me a G & T please.’
    ‘Morning, Trish, are you sure you should have one? Maybe a glass of wine would be better?’
    ‘I know what I want so don’t argue, just give me the bloody drink.’
    ‘Okay, okay, don’t get excited, it’s coming.’
    The Study had a good lunchtime trade, mostly students and Mack was busy, but he still managed to keep an eye on Trish. He didn’t like what he was watching and took his mobile from beside the till and brought up Jackie’s number. He hesitated before pressing the dial button remembering Jackie was on a course and decided he’d wait a while longer.
    ‘Another one, Mack, and don’t you dare say a word.’
    He did as instructed then went to the far end of the bar and sent a message to Jackie. He couldn’t wait any longer.
    ‘What’s the problem, Mack, is it Trish?’ asked Jackie calling back within a minute.
    ‘Afraid so. She’s been here a good forty-five minutes and now on her second G & T. She’s already bitten my ear off once and I don’t want to cause trouble in a busy bar. Sorry Jackie.’
    ‘Don’t worry, we’ve just finished and I’m not bothered about the hospitality bit after. I’ll be there in ten minutes.’
    It was a

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