A Perfect Likeness

Free A Perfect Likeness by Roger Gumbrell

Book: A Perfect Likeness by Roger Gumbrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Gumbrell
Maxfords the noise stopped. I looked back and she had gone, into one of the many smaller shops in the area I suppose. The noise had been with us since we’d left the printers. Victoria had not noticed it at all. I told her about it, but she was not bothered. She just shrugged. We laughed at my being so suspicious, but then we laughed at anything. Another time I really had the feeling we were being followed. I don’t know why, but I was sure it had to be that same lady again. I told Victoria who didn’t believe me. We’d walk fast for a while, then slowed right down and then stop and look in a shop window. We chose an empty shop to look into once, which was a bit stupid. We were laughing all the time, people must have thought us mad. We even walked straight through one shop and out the back entrance to a different road, but the lady was always there, looking in windows every time we turned around so we did not get to see her face. Then she was gone, just like the time before. It was obviously pure coincidence, but didn’t we laugh. Silly isn’t it and I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful?’
    ‘No, Elizabeth, it’s not silly at all and I believe you may have been very helpful. I know you didn’t see the face, but can you remember anything about this lady, such as height, weight, age or clothing for example?’
    ‘She seemed to have a good figure and was probably in her thirties, although you can’t always tell, particularly without seeing the face. She was a little taller than me, about the same as Victoria I guess, and I would say her clothing was a bit expensive. It looked good quality.’
    ‘Excellent. Amazing what you can remember, even after such a long time. Here, take my card and if you think of anything else, no matter how trivial you think it may be, please give me a call. And, Elizabeth, thank you very much.’
    ‘You’re welcome, but can I ask why all the questions after such a long time? I thought the case was closed.’
    ‘Some additional information has been brought to the attention of the family and they have asked me to check it out. Look, you’d better get back to work otherwise Mr O’Neill will end up blowing a fuse. He’s not in a very good mood this morning.’


    ‘How on earth did Victoria stand that man?’ said Trish as she got into the car. ‘He is an obnoxious piece of work.’
    ‘She always used to say he wasn’t the best of bosses. How did you get on then?’
    Trish was serious. ‘Jackie, this is all becoming very interesting. From what Elizabeth has just told me I now believe Victoria was being followed, by a woman. Could it have been her twin, I wonder? Could it also have been the twin who was in the lift the night Victoria was murdered and forced Michael to run down the stairs? Do you know most of the people who live in the block?’
    ‘Yes, more or less. I don’t think there have been any changes of ownership in the last two years. There are four flats on each of the five floors.’
    ‘Good, we’ll check the top two floors. This is something we can do together, sooner rather than later, after you have shown me the apartment. I think it might help me if I got the feel of it.’
    ‘Why don’t we go this evening? Around eight would probably be the best time; I should think most people would be home by then,’ said Jackie.


    ‘I’m deflated,’ said Jackie, ‘I really thought we might have got something out of this. All that work for nothing.’
    ‘Try not to be. We are not going to get results at every corner, but think about it for a moment. Maybe we have got some information. The immediate neighbours, on the same floor as Victoria and Michael all stated that, as far as they could remember, they had no visitors on the night of the murder. I’m happy with that as it still means the occupant of the lift is still a suspect.’

Chapter 5

    ‘Come on, Trish, we don’t want to be late. You must be ready by now,’ Jackie shouted from the bottom of the

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