48 Hours to Die

Free 48 Hours to Die by Silk White

Book: 48 Hours to Die by Silk White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silk White
his fault that, Tasha was probably somewhere in some dark basement begging for her life. Captain Fisher walked up with a sad look on his face. “Don’t worry, Stone we’re going to catch this sicko if it’s the last thing that we do!”

    Anthony Stone wiped his eyes. He loved Captain Fisher like an uncle but right now, his words were going in one ear and out the other. All he could think about was Tasha. He could only imagine what she was thinking and going through right now. Because of him and his job, the love of his life was now in the trunk of a car probably on her way to get chopped up into little pieces.

    “Pull yourself together,” Captain Fisher said. “We’re going to catch this scumbag if it’s the last thing we do.”

    Anthony Stone stood to his feet and walked over towards, Captain Fisher’s car. “I need a ride home,” he said with his head hung low in a defeated tone. Captain Fisher could tell that Detective Stone was hurting on the inside, usually he was good at hiding it, but this time he couldn’t hide it even if he wanted to.

    “Come on partner lets go have a drink I’m buying,” Captain Fisher said as him and Anthony Stone got in his car. For the entire car ride Anthony Stone was silent, he sat leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed. A million different things were running through his mind at the moment, and he had no clue where to start.

    “Take me to Tasha’s mother’s house,”


    “Ms. Brown, take me to Ms. Brown’s house I need to make sure that she’s still alive!” Anthony Stone suddenly remembered.

    “Who?” Captain Fisher said with a confused look on his face.

    “Tasha’s mother,” Anthony Stone explained. He gave, Captain Fisher the address and prayed that nothing had happened to Ms. Brown.  

    Twenty minutes later, Captain Fisher came to a screeching stop in front of Ms. Brown’s house. Anthony Stone stepped out of the passenger seat with his back up gun in his hand. He took cautious steps over towards the patrol car that sat parked in front of the house, while Captain Fisher headed for the front of the house. When Anthony Stone got close to the patrol car, he noticed that the front windshield was shattered and two small bullet holes rested in the center. Anthony Stone made it to the driver’s window and saw the officer that was supposed to be watching over and protecting the property slumped with his head leaning over to the side, his face was covered in a mask of blood.

    “Damn!” Anthony Stone yelled in frustration. If the officer was dead, he could only imagine what Uncle Sam had done to, Ms. Brown. He walked over towards the front door when he saw Captain Fisher coming out of the house.

    “Is she...?”

    “There’s nobody in the house,” Captain Fisher told him. “I searched the entire house from top to bottom.”

    “We have an officer down over in the patrol car,” Anthony Stone explained.

    “What do you think this scumbag is up too?” Captain Fisher asked.

    Anthony Stone shook his head sadly. “I have no idea, but whatever it is it can’t be good,”

Where Am I?

    Tasha laid balled up in the back of the dark trunk with a scared expression on her face. She had no clue where this crazy hooded man was taking her. Tasha held on to the sides of the trunk as she felt the road go from smooth to rough and bumpy. Minutes later, she felt the vehicle slow down, and then stop. Immediately, she began reaching around for something she could use as a weapon. She sucked her teeth when she came up empty. Seconds later, the trunk swung open, Uncle Sam reached down and roughly snatched Tasha out of the trunk by her hair. Tasha screamed as the hooded man dragged her across the concrete in what looked to be some kind of abandoned warehouse. Tasha reached up and tried to drag her nails down the hooded man’s face, but instead she caught his neck.

    “Bitch!” Uncle Sam growled as he turned and slapped Tasha across the face so hard

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