48 Hours to Die

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Book: 48 Hours to Die by Silk White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Silk White
wall out of frustration. “Forty eight hours to die,” he murmured looking down at the 9mm in his hand. Anthony Stone hopped up and quickly got dress, he didn’t have forty-eight hours to die, but instead forty-eight hours to find Uncle Sam.

I See You

    That same night, Anthony Stone sat camped out five houses down from, Reggie’s huge estate. He wasn’t positive on who Uncle Sam was for sure, but all signs pointed to Reggie. It was just something about him that just rubbed Anthony Stone the wrong way. After two hours of staking out, he noticed Reggie’s Bentley pull into his circular driveway. Anthony Stone sat behind the wheel of his car looking through a pair of high-powered binoculars. He watched as Reggie exited the Bentley wearing black sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt. He then walked back towards the trunk, reached in and removed a duffle bag, then disappeared through the front door of his house.

    Anthony Stone immediately got a bad vibe. Everything about Reggie looked suspicious as if he was hiding something. First things first Anthony Stone wanted to know what, Reggie carried inside that duffle bag that he carried inside the house.  

    After sitting for about twenty minutes, Anthony Stone watched as Reggie exited the house in an expensive suit walking fast as if he was in a rush. He watched as Reggie climbed inside his luxury car and pulled off. Anthony Stone ducked down in his seat as the Bentley zoomed past him in a hurry. Anthony Stone sat in his car for ten minutes before he exited his car, slipped a hood over his head, and slowly walked towards Reggie’s house. He knew what he was about to do was wrong and against the law, but at the moment he had to take the law in his own hands. Anthony Stone needed answers and those answers were on the other said of those mansion doors. He jogged in a low crouch until he reached a door at the back of the house. Anthony Stone pulled out a drill gun and quickly began to remove the screws from the lock on the door. Seven minutes later, Anthony Stone entered the house with his 9mm in one hand and his Maglite in the other. He slowly eased his way throughout the house looking for anything that could connect Reggie to the murders. Anthony Stone walked slowly throughout the house and stopped when he saw a door that looked to be out of place. He walked over, snatched the door open, and found steps that led down to the basement. Anthony Stone slowly made his way down the stairs, when his feet touched the bottom landing, he couldn’t believe his eyes. All throughout the basement were killing tools. A torture bed rested in the center of the basement. Anthony Stone saw everything from knives, guns, axes, and any other killing object one could think of. The more Anthony Stone looked around the more he worried about Tasha and Ms. Brown, now knowing that Reggie was indeed Uncle Sam. Anthony Stone exited the basement and headed upstairs to the master bedroom to see what else he could find. The light from his Maglite guided Anthony Stone throughout the lavish property. Anthony Stone reached the bedroom and began searching for more evidence he reached, Reggie’s dresser and shone his light on a pile of envelopes, the same type of envelopes that, Uncle Sam left at all of his crime scenes next to the envelopes were several pictures in nice frames that lined up nice and neat next to one another. Immediately, Anthony Stone recognized the woman’s face that was in most of the pictures. There were pictures of a woman that he had failed to save during a hostage situation a few years ago. Now putting the pieces together, Anthony Stone realized that the woman was none other than, Reggie’s wife. “So that’s why he’s doing all of this?” He whispered to himself. Anthony Stone made his way over towards, Reggie’s closet and stopped in mid-stride when he saw the duffle bag sitting on the floor. He looked down inside the bag and the first thing he saw was a roll of duct tape with

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