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Book: B0075M2D1U EBOK by Julie Cassar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Cassar
there yet…but can you imagine what it must’ve looked like and how much damage it caused? I wonder if that thing I saw in the water had anything to do with it.”
    Anya sat staring at me with wide eyes and slowly said, “What. Thing?” Brennan got that furrowed-brow-lip-pressed-together serious look on his face again. I looked back and forth between them and slowly continued on, “Ohhh…nothing I suppose. But, remember last Saturday when we were at the beach, and I thought I saw trash or something in the lake?” Anya nodded. “Well…maybe it was something else? Like, maybe there’s some weird school of fish or something that caused some funky whirlpools or currents and made the boats tip.” Anya gave a worried look to Brennan. Leo laughed at my comment from the front seat and chimed in, “Yeah! Like some crazy catfish with boat envy! Ha! You know what though? I saw some dudes catch a catfish that was nine frickin’ feet long! Can you believe that? It was on the Discovery Channel. Now that mutant fish could totally cause some damage.”
    I snickered and rolled my eyes. My brother is such an idiot. Mutant cat fish. Seriously? Maybe I’ll Google it. He did say it was on the Discovery Channel…
    “ YOU watch the Discovery Channel?!?” Jeremy exclaimed, interrupting my silent, sarcastic, wandering thoughts of my idiot brother.
    “ Not really, but my dad does. And there were some hot chicks on the show,” Leo shrugged while he fiddled with the radio. I noticed that Brennan was unusually quiet again and Anya’s head was still twisted around, staring intently at him. I looked at Brennan and quietly asked him, “What’s wrong?”
    “ Nothing,” he answered, staring straight at the back of Jeremy’s head. Then, he looked over at Anya and as his eyes met hers, he said, “We have to go home.” She nodded once and turned to face the front again. I stared at Brennan, as he turned to silently stare out the window.

    Chapter 10
    I had another restless night again. First, my stomach was still reeling from my first amazing kiss with Nick. Just thinking of Mr. Hotness made me feel jittery all over again. I wondered if he would call like he said he would. And when would he call? It was Thursday night and Friday and Saturday nights were typically the busiest nights at Martino’s Pizza. I’m sure Nick will be working. Will he invite me up to hang out with him during his break again? Or will he wait until Sunday to call me? And will he kiss me again? Ohmygoshhhhh. That kiss. That amazing, palm-sweaty, heart-beating, stomach-churning kiss. As soon I could put the taste of his yummy lips out of my head, my thoughts would wander to Anya and Brennan. I couldn’t shake the worried looks on their faces. When Brennan insisted that he and Anya had to return home, I knew they didn’t mean to the cottage. They were going back to Fey. But why? Were they afraid? Were they hiding? Were they in trouble? Were they going for help? They seemed to be really concerned with what had been happening in our town lately. First, there were all those fires and then the weird incident at the marina. But why would those things worry them so much? It’s not like it was happening in Fey. Did it really have anything to do with that hump thing I saw in the water a week ago? I had never seen Anya and Brennan so serious before. Fairies, by nature, were normally quite happy and carefree.
    I tossed and turned all night, wondering if the mysterious hump in the water had something to do with burning down half of the Frederick’s tree farm. But if it lived in the water, how could it be connected? The tree farm was nowhere near the lake. Maybe there were some crazy fairies hiding out in the woods causing all of these disturbances. Anya had said not all fairies were alike, and I’m sure there were some crazy ones out there. That would certainly explain why Anya and Brennan were worried. Forests surrounded the all of the lakes and since the fairies

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