Highland Promise

Free Highland Promise by Mary McCall

Book: Highland Promise by Mary McCall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary McCall
the wart." Faith grimaced at the offensive mark. "They are so superstitious of the evil sign that they do not look closely."
            A knock on the door heralded a servant with a message for Faith to wait upon King Henry without delay. Noreen shut the door after bidding the servant to wait.
            "Rats!" Faith exclaimed. "Men do complicate things. Leland orders me to await him, yet I cannot ignore the king. What can be keeping Leland?"
            "He left with Edrik soon after we arrived."
            Worry throbbed in Faith's temple. She pressed her fingers against the spot, trying to ease the tension without wiping away her camouflage. "What if Edrik tells—"
            "Do not work yourself into an upset. I told you I'll handle young Leland." Noreen pulled the linen drape from Faith's gown. "Now let's be off. As you said, you cannot keep the king waiting."
            With Noreen two steps behind her, Faith followed the servant to the king's great chamber. Upon entering alone, she was surprised to discover she would have a private audience with her monarch.
            Faith dropped into a deep curtsey with one knee touching the floor and awaited his cue to rise, a difficult task with her cumbersome padding.
            "Ah, Lady Faith." King Henry extended a hand toward her. "Please stand. I have been most impatient for your arrival."
            Faith placed her hand in his, accepting his assistance to rise. "'Twas Your Grace who requested my presence? I thought Leland—"
            "Your brother carried out my wish to have you come." He placed her hand on his forearm and smiled. "Join me at the game table and be forewarned. I intend to trounce you."
            She always enjoyed the king's company. She never felt as if she had to guard her every move around him, which made no sense. One should take greater care around a king. "Is that a warning or an order?"
            "A warning, and you are to play your usual competent game." He sighed and shook his head wearily. "The Almighty knows you are one of the few people I can depend upon for a challenge."
            Faith sat in the chair the king indicated before the ivory game pieces. As he took his seat across from her, she made her first move.
            Henry moved a pawn. "How fares Hawkhurst?"
            With little attention to the board, Faith made her move. "Well, Sire. The harvest looks to be bountiful. I was in the midst of preparations for Leland's bride."
            The king studied the board, then moved one of his men. "I cannot imagine Hawkhurst ever unprepared under your excellent management."
            "Your Grace flatters me." Faith made her play after only a brief glance at the game. Raising her hand, she rubbed her nose. Just as she wished, the king's gaze moved to her wart. He grimaced and quickly looked away. She had to stop herself from grinning at his predictable reaction. "I try to keep things running smoothly. Everything should be perfect for a new bride."
            The king glanced at her again, then jerked his gaze away. "Hummm." He looked at the board and made his move in a distracted manner. "How do you think a new bride will handle your presence? She will surely wish to take over."
            Faith wanted to laugh. Her wart was driving the king daft, or he would be trouncing her as he had threatened. She made her move and smiled. "I would never presume to interfere with the new Lady Hawkurst."
            "I did not think you would." The king assessed the board with furrowed brows. He glanced at her and barely stifled a groan as he looked away. "I am interested in your future."
            "Have you won Normandy at last then?" Faith asked before she could stop her unruly tongue.
            "Do not be impertinent. I can deal with both a loyal subject and Normandy at the same time." The king made another move

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