Forces of Nature

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Book: Forces of Nature by Cheris Hodges Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheris Hodges
living room, Crystal headed out back to the small cottage where Douglas would be staying. As she opened the door, she felt a masculine presence behind her.
    â€œYou expect me to live here for a week?” Douglas said. His lips were so close to her ear that she shivered as he spoke. “This is a cute dollhouse, but I’m a big man, darling.”
    She looked around the space and had to admit that “dollhouse” was an accurate description of the cottage, with its lacy slipcovers over the sofa and love seat and the matching curtains. Crystal always thought the cottage was a comfortable place, but she wasn’t a man of large proportion. However, there was no way she and Douglas could sleep under the same roof. Not with the way she was feeling and thinking about him. Folding her arms across her chest, Crystal glared at him. “What am I supposed to do, give up my house for you?”
    â€œNo, we can share a bed,” Douglas said with a grin.
    Crystal turned toward the door. “I’ll bring you some clean towels.”
    He blocked her exit by pulling her into his arms; he brushed his lips against her neck. “I hope you don’t plan on sneaking in here tonight and violating me as I sleep.”
    Pushing away from him, she pulled the door open and dashed out. I can do this, she thought as she walked up the back steps to her house. Douglas Wellington isn’t going to take my land or my heart.
    Douglas wondered what to expect for the week as he stood up and walked to the front windows. Interestingly enough, the cottage faced Crystal’s bedroom. He watched as she walked into the room and flicked on the light. He dropped the curtain quickly so that she wouldn’t see him. Staying in the small cottage was starting to look better and better, he thought as he headed for the bedroom. Turning the light on, Douglas shook his head at the sight of the twin bed and old English dresser. This is definitely a dollhouse.
    Dropping his bag on the small bed, which had a yellow and white comforter on it, Douglas began to unpack his clothes and wondered how he could stop thinking about Crystal. After getting settled in, he decided that he might as well explore the property, even if he’d rather be exploring every tantalizing inch of Crystal Hughes. He looked up at the house, hoping to catch a glance of her as he started his walk. When he didn’t see her, he decided to head for the garden. The beauty of the scene before him instantly took his breath away.
    Crystal was dressed in a pair of dusty overalls with her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, kneeling down with a basket of corn, peppers, and tomatoes trying to help a young girl with another basket. Douglas rushed over to her, grabbing her basket before she lost her grip on it.
    â€œThanks,” she said, lifting the smaller basket into her arms. “Mercer, are you all right?”
    â€œYes, ma’am, I just can’t do anything right. I can’t even pick vegetables to make the soup with.” With her shoulders slumping, Mercer started to walk away, but Crystal stopped her.
    â€œMercer, don’t let what other people say about you cloud your self-esteem. You can do anything you put your mind to and when you and the other girls make this soup, there are going to be several people who appreciate it.” Wrapping her arms around the girl, Crystal hugged her tightly.
    Douglas couldn’t help but be touched by Crystal’s gentle way with the girl. He could see the girl beginning to smile as they embraced.
    â€œYou go on inside,” Crystal told Mercer before ushering her toward the greenhouse.
    â€œYou’re pretty good with these girls,” he said as she took her basket from his hands.
    â€œIt’s not hard to be nice to people. You should try it sometimes.”
    Douglas smirked, sarcastically thinking how nice he would like to treat her if he could get one night alone with her. “I am

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