Forces of Nature

Free Forces of Nature by Cheris Hodges

Book: Forces of Nature by Cheris Hodges Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheris Hodges
Maybe it was because she was forbidden fruit, or the fact that she was the first woman to actually tell him no and mean it, but he wanted her more than he wanted his next breath. Carnal desire took over and he captured her full lips with his. Douglas felt the bite of Crystal’s fingernails on his shoulder as she responded to his scorching kiss. And just for one heated moment, they were oblivious to the stares and whispers of the other café customers; all either of them cared or could think about was the sweet inferno building between them.
    Then reality slapped Crystal, making her push away from him and tear out of the café. Douglas followed her, determined to find out if she shared his yearning for her. Taking long strides, he caught up to her, grabbed her elbow, and forced her to face him.
    â€œThis is the second time you’ve kissed me,” he said.
    â€œFunny, but I think this is the second time that you’ve violated me, Mr. Wellington.”
    Stroking her cheek, Douglas smiled. “Crystal, I can’t fight being attracted to you anymore, which is why this proposal of yours isn’t going to work.”
    Snatching away from him, Crystal narrowed her eyes and hissed, “You can’t expect that I’m going to let you share my bed after what you’re trying to do? Go to hell.”
    â€œOnly if you lead the way,” he called out as she stomped off. “I’d follow those hips anywhere.”

Chapter 6
    The week leading up to Douglas’s visit to Hughes Farm, Crystal wanted to call everything off, because for the last six days her mind had been clouded with fantasies of kissing him, touching him, and making love to him. Stalking across the room and peering out the window, Crystal watched an unfamiliar pickup truck pulling into the driveway. As the vehicle stopped, she was mesmerized by the man, clad in fresh blue jeans, a crisp white T–shirt, and a New York Yankees baseball cap, as he hoisted a duffel bag over his broad shoulder. She’d never seen Douglas dressed like a regular person and she was sure the outfit was new. That man has probably never owned a pair of jeans in his life.
    As Douglas raised his hand to knock, Crystal opened the front door, not caring that it was obvious she’d been staring at him from the window. “You’re early,” she said.
    â€œIsn’t that better than being late?” he asked as he gave her a slow once-over, admiring her T-shirt and the way it clung to her breasts.
    â€œNo, it isn’t. Either way, it’s rude. I don’t even have your room ready in the guest cottage,” she said as she stepped aside, allowing Douglas to enter the house.
    He stood in the middle of her living room, which was decorated with a southwestern flair. Nodding, he said, “Nice touch. Classic.”
    â€œIf you have your way it will be rubble,” she said as she closed the front door. “Where are my manners? May I take your bag, get you something to eat or drink?”
    Douglas smiled and shook his head, and then he headed for the caramel-colored leather sofa. Sitting, he dropped his bag on the floor.
    Anger cruised through Crystal’s body as she watched Douglas pick up the remote and turn the television on. Just seeing him sitting there as if the house belonged to him rattled her to the core, especially when she wouldn’t mind joining him on the sofa and losing herself in his sweet, hot kiss.
    â€œWhat do you think you’re doing?” she snapped as she picked up the bag and threw it in his lap. “This isn’t stately Wellington manor and I’m not one of your servants.”
    Douglas furrowed his brows as he looked up at her. “I thought you said my room wasn’t ready? What did I do?”
    â€œOh, I . . . I . . .” Crystal’s face grew hot from embarrassment as she turned away from Douglas. “I’m going to go check on the room.”
    Dashing out of the

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