Reapers Isle: TheParaplegic/Chronic Gamer Returns for the Second Book in his Reaper Series

Free Reapers Isle: TheParaplegic/Chronic Gamer Returns for the Second Book in his Reaper Series by Justin Gowland

Book: Reapers Isle: TheParaplegic/Chronic Gamer Returns for the Second Book in his Reaper Series by Justin Gowland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justin Gowland
in the long run.”
    “Ok, I’ll give where is this mythical land?” asked Mary.
    “Mary sorry to say this, but can we trust you?” I asked.
    “I always thought there was something wrong with that lot back at the apartments, but could never figure it out. It now makes sense now, the way Bet always seemed to be shouting at John and Dave like they were kids. Only family does that.” She replied.
    “Ok, right as to where we would find better than here….” I pointed to the picture above the mantle. It was a castle on a finger of rock leading out from a beach.
    Marc was the first to recognize the castle, “That’s my brother for you, fucking smart arse to the end.”
    “I thank you!” I said with a mock bow and a smile.
    Rees patted me on the shoulder and said “Only you could see that and think of it as a safe haven, but I have to admit Holy Island and Lindisfarne Castle would be a cool place.”
    “Right lets get a move on with those things we need to do and Rees I want a quick word about the going away present.”
    The girls and Marc went out and started moving things, I closed the door and looked at my mate.
    “Dude, do you think we could rig something to blow the generator? I don’t want to hurt anyone but I want to make it difficult for them after we leave.” I said.
    “Yeah, I can do something.” He said grinning.
    “Remember, I don’t want anyone hurt, they have Ollie remember.”
    He shrugged his shoulders and left the room to go make things go brumm and things go bang. (yeah, I know big kid, but I’ve told you that before.)
    I settled down to check routes and how long it might take us to get from Durham up to Holy Island. I figured unless we hit some major problems, then we could probably make the journey in a few hours.
    Maddie came in after a short while and said "Jay, we should have all the food we need in the Land Rover soon. Becky is upstairs getting sleeping bags and what gear we have together. Are you sure that you want to leave them this place?"
    "To be honest, Maddie I don't think that we have a choice unless we fight them and I am not going to sink to their level. That and the fact that they have Ollie and because they have a child, I am not going to fight over a building.” I replied.
    “Ok, I’ll go help Becky get things out to the car then.” As she was about to go out the room she turned and looked at me “Jay, I know you might not want to hear this now, but I love you.” She said.
    “I love you too.” I said smiling.
    She left with the biggest grin on her face that I have ever seen.
    I stood and picked up my rifle and went down the hallway and up the stairs, moving past the other bedrooms to the one that I had used whilst I had been here. I opened the door and saw Marc sat in a chair looking out the window, looking over the garden to where we were going to set up the firing range. Marc turned in his chair when he heard me come in, when he saw it was me he stood up.
    “They're all still down there, they keep looking back at the cottage.” He said.
    “Well, we should be ready to go soon. Just keep an eye on them and if they start coming to the cottage give us a shout.” I said.
    “Ok, bud” He said and sat back down looking out the window.
    Leaving him to keep an eye on the hillbilly’s, I went downstairs to check on the girls in the kitchen. Mary, Becky and Maddie were loading food and water into boxes. I went through to the pantry where we kept the ammo and rifles and saw that the girls had already loaded nearly all the ammo apart from one or two boxes of ammo and a single pistol. Well, at the very least I wouldn’t be feeling very bad about leaving them with nothing to protect themselves with. Looking out the rear door I couldn’t see any of them out there so went back into the kitchen to see only one box of food left to be taken out to the car.
    Picking it up I heard the quick footsteps of someone upstairs heading toward me. Marc appeared at the door just as I was

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