Draven    Devils Angels MC Book 1

Free Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1 by Erin Trejo

Book: Draven Devils Angels MC Book 1 by Erin Trejo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Trejo
Tags: MC, love, hurt and comfort
Devils Angels MC Book 1
By Erin Trejo
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2015 Erin Trejo
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    “I’m glad you’re home sweetie.” My mom says
to me. “Yea it’s fucking great mom.” I say rolling my eyes. “Even
if you’re not happy I am.” She says back to me. I have been in New
York with my now ex-boyfriend for the last year. We got into some
crazy shit there. Life was always crazy there. I can’t think of a
single day I wasn’t high or drunk in New York. My boyfriend at the
time Spike got me into all kinds of shit. I was a fairly good girl
before I met him. I was going to school to be a clothing designer
and I was damn good at it too. I met Spike through my brother
Garrick. They used to be friends and were in the same MC. Garrick’s
dad is the president. We don’t have the same dad but Prez has
always taken me in as his own. My mom Shelly is a stripper or as
she likes to call herself an “entrepreneur.” I call it as I see it;
she’s a stripper that is sometimes a prostitute. I don’t care
either way. Mom is getting me a job at the club with her so I at
least have a job. Trust me this isn’t my first choice but at least
I will get paid. “Drop me off at Garrick’s will you please.” I say
to her and she huffs. “I got you a damn job. Don’t fucking make me
look bad by not showing up.” She snaps at me. Oh yes I wouldn’t
want to make “Queen of the strippers” look bad. She does that
herself. “Mom, I will be there. I don’t have to be there for
another 6 fucking hours so shut the hell up.” I say looking back
out the window. That was the end of our conversation. The rest of
the drive from the airport is quiet. I'm thankful for that.

    We pull up outside the MC and the gates are
locked. That is nothing new. They keep this place guarded like
there is gold in it. My mom presses the buzzer. “Yea what?” The
voice comes over the intercom. “I'm here for Garrick.” My mom says
back to the little grey box. The gates open and we pull through. It
has been a long time since I have been here. It’s been even longer
since I have seen my brother. After I got with Spike and he left
the club my brother kept his distance from him. I never knew what
happened between them and I didn’t ask. I knew Spike wouldn’t tell
me and even if he did it was probably a lie. We drive up the long
drive way and pull up in front of the building. Prez is standing
outside the front door. He smiles when he sees me. I jump out of
the car and run over to him. “Damn I'm glad to see you.” He says
hugging me. “Me too. I missed you.” I say to him as I hug him back.
Prez has always been good to me. He knows I'm not his but he never
says a word about it. Anything I have ever needed has come from
him. He has been around since I was born. “Let me look at you.” He
says pulling back and spinning me around. “Damn it girl you have
grown up. You are so damn pretty.” He says with a smile. “You’re
getting a little grey don’t you think?” I say jokingly touching his
beard. He laughs. “Yea old age will do that to you.” He says
smiling at me. My mom walks up and stares at Prez. “Nice to see you
Shelly.” He says without looking at her. “Yea it is. Hey she needs
to be to work at 8 so don’t let her fuck around here and be late.”
She says and turns and walks off. Prez shakes his head and looks
back down at me. “You better not be stripping at that damn place
Casey.” He says in a harsh tone. “Dad, I'm not. I'm waitressing. “
I say

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